Heevnin pips.
Dragged around the antique shops by Ma an SWMBO this afternoon, truck full of tat, an all I gots was a pint.
Sat waiting to leave, middle class type teeters up with aging Mater. The lady is unsteady on her pins, so MCT holds the Audi/Beemer/Merc/IDGAF door open while she feeds herself, somewhat heavily, into the passenger seat. MCT then settles fragrantly into the rear of the car. Mr MCT then arrives and asks loudly of MCT " Wherefore is the cake snookynips..? "
"What cake Rupert?"
" The cake, Persephone, that I distinctly requested you take particular care of when putting Mother in the car?! "
Will probably need a ladle... An dry cleanin..
MCTs dunt like havin a Tratter full of scruffs larfin at em :p:D

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