Feinds, freelanderers, eye be ere safe un elfy.

It beer strange day. Av add me tea un be restin after escaypin frompt wurk. Poo cam be broke'd this mornin. It be no mor me finks. Eye were owpin ter cellerbrate me furtyif dec-century ont landyzone with an ah nouncemint eye be cannonised un becum er paintin saint of freelandererin. But me application were denied ont technical problem er not bin deaded yet. It beer bit of a con as eye paid me deposit anorl. Am owpin ter gerrit back.

It be not dampun the fun un cellerbrations. Theres stiller buffay un red fizzy pop ter be add. All free as it be nicked fromt sainsburys. Walls fiat netta un chese cake ferrafters. There be lots ter gow round un it be all pig friendly.

It be not easy bin ont landyzone as ur freelanderer fer so lung. The tratterers pick ont me un ma hippo un it be not fare. Ah dunt cause any trouble ont ere or retallyate. But ah stayd strong un kept ont freelanderin un be appy tall this tyme. Floppier peepul wooder given tup. But eye knows that freelanderin be the future un stayd strong. It be why eye has amassd furty fousind posts ovur nearly twalv years. Eye wus ere befor that wither different login but it be gon now. So it be longa un certainly seems it.

Av add many appy times ont ear un sum sad ones anorl. There beer lotter freelanderers who have had ter retyre fromt freelanderin. They be me feinds ferra long time summer thems ferrevva. Summa still ear as is eye. Eye be also well knomb un respectid int taratter section anorl since eye took ovva int ere. Eye beer keen elper int tratterin an bin er wardid an onnary tratterer anorl. Towin them oot when stuk un consollin ownurs as they evaporate with rust wurm. Eye bin charit table anorl. Colletin biskit tins fer patch repair. There be no end ter me kindnus un elp ter udders ont ere.

Eye as made many feinds over the years. Ah bint oft road wiv summa thems anorl. Eye as also met summa thems ter elp fix there hippo's. It beer strange world ut times. We be all int different places but where evva we be, we be all there ont landyzone. Our speshul freelanderin world. If there be one pizza advice eye be give yer. It be freelanderin is the future. Eye luvs ma hippo eye does. He makes me appy. If yer get won yerself yer be appy anorl.

30000 ;)
Eye be finkin erbout gerrin sum new smok alarms. They be retirin int 2022 but they be 8 year ole an ungnome ter me.

Sun be oot. It be raynin t'over nite. Soon be wik end.

Tis said ont news sainsburys be not sellin fly wurks as they be bad fer animuls. It be true ah dun't like em. Tother big stores said they wood cash int by continuing ter sellum un pick sainsburys lost sales. Eye added the last bit int as eye be knows that's wot they be finkin.
Eye be finkin erbout gerrin sum new smok alarms. They be retirin int 2022 but they be 8 year ole an ungnome ter me.

Sun be oot. It be raynin t'over nite. Soon be wik end.

Tis said ont news sainsburys be not sellin fly wurks as they be bad fer animuls. It be true ah dun't like em. Tother big stores said they wood cash int by continuing ter sellum un pick sainsburys lost sales. Eye added the last bit int as eye be knows that's wot they be finkin.

Aldi and Lidl still selling them, probably left over V1s
Time ferra poo date. Eye switched ont poo cam this morning un it be wurkin again. So that be good news. It be norty un needed er nap. Over night the stick eye put across the corner of me gardin fence were knocked down. Something poo'd where the fox did before ont slabs. Looks like er cat this time. It were slightly warm anorl so quite recent. There be big white n grey/black feffers ont grass where somefink has gorra burd anorl. Eye will jet wash me slabs where fings have poo'd ter gerrid of the trace so it dun't attract tigers. It beer jungle oot thar.

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