Eye be home un safe fromt wurk. Travelled int luxuary int ma hippo with the eater ont. Eye also add the eated seat ont anorl. Ah din't av the eated steering wheel ont as it be cold wet un windy ootside. Thar be cyclists int that freezin there balls oft. Yer haster feel sorry fer the twots. Out of respect fer the lycra clad bastids gerrin wet un cold eye left the eated steering oft. The balance un comfort be too much ter take the p*ss oot the bicyclist.
Daughter visited today, to borrow the washing machine cos hers is bust and she's waiting delivery of a new un. I was outside building a brick wall and heard a loud bang and rattling from indoors - now my washer is bust. So looks like washer shopping tomorrow :(. On the plus side I can get one in the landy so don't have to wait in for a delivery.

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