I look forward to retirement :)
My father retired at 56 and thirty years later is still going strong!
My brother in law retired at 55 last year and has not looked back either :D
Course, he did Going Postal later on, but for me, anything with Vimes in it please..
Two drinks under sober :D

cross stitch by M:)



Morning all! :D
Wednesday is "put the bins out" and another Gym day, so I am up early and herself is tucked up in bed snoozing.
Dark evenings. Dark mornings. Wet, cold un windy. Leaves will be fallin oft the trees. Eye be not pickin em up. It be wintery ere.
Below is er pic of ma fox. Tis an old camera so the image int that good. It's the original HippoCam for thems who remember it. I has ter admit I'm a bit disappointed with it being er fox. Eye was hoping ferra baby elephant or at least a deer. Perhaps next time. Me slabs is 2x2 foot int size fer comparison ter bazul.

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