Can yer out run them?
It's a case of can I find a path in the garden that is NOT infested with them. Evening dog pee trots is a huge hazard but I try to win by carrying a squeezy pot of finest Cerebos and give a good squirt! They liquidise immediately. Sadly it does not seem to have much, if any, affect on the overall numbers as they seem to have armies of substitutes ready to deploy at a moments notice.
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It's a case ofanI find a path in the garden that is NOT infested with them. Evening dog pee trots is a huge hazard but I try to win by carrying a squeezy pot of finest Cerebos and give a good squirt! They liquidise immediately. Sadly it does not seem to have much, if any, affect on the overall numbers as they seem to have armies of substitutes ready to deploy at a moments notice.
Eye use sainsburys cheapist table salt. Yer can buy it inner bag cheaper ter top up said pot.

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