Morning all :D
Thank you lord for the liquid sunshine that I must pass through as I go to the Gym this morning, I'm sure it will help.
It's wet, wet, wet 'ere. The sky is laden, the rivers are running very fast and water is gathering on the valley roads. :(:(:( Altogether, it can briefly be described as 'bl88dy awful.
But you have absolutely wonderful scenery to compensate for it I am told. :D
More poo cam news. It captured 5 magpies yesterday. Then 6. Then 7. All around me meal wurms un jumping ont me bafs. Some had drunks while later ont they were on their own avvin er baf. Anuvva poo left over night. Poo cam triggered at 3:48am but it were pitch black so nothing ont screen. Bricks moved an inch again. Culprit were slightly out of sight of the security light sensor so eye moved it this morning ter further oot. Hopefully wotevva triggers the camera will now trigger the light so eye's can see it. Poo were black, normal and solid.
More poo cam news. It captured 5 magpies yesterday. Then 6. Then 7. All around me meal wurms un jumping ont me bafs. Some had drunks while later ont they were on their own avvin er baf. Anuvva poo left over night. Poo cam triggered at 3:48am but it were pitch black so nothing ont screen. Bricks moved an inch again. Culprit were slightly out of sight of the security light sensor so eye moved it this morning ter further oot. Hopefully wotevva triggers the camera will now trigger the light so eye's can see it. Poo were black, normal and solid.
That does sound like Mr Reynard.:(:(
Freezing my arse off in the workshop..


Not only that the work computer is from the early 2000s and is running a shít version of windows XP Home, so it's slow as a limp biscuit too. ;)
More poo cam news. It captured 5 magpies yesterday. Then 6. Then 7. All around me meal wurms un jumping ont me bafs. Some had drunks while later ont they were on their own avvin er baf. Anuvva poo left over night. Poo cam triggered at 3:48am but it were pitch black so nothing ont screen. Bricks moved an inch again. Culprit were slightly out of sight of the security light sensor so eye moved it this morning ter further oot. Hopefully wotevva triggers the camera will now trigger the light so eye's can see it. Poo were black, normal and solid.
Fox (Mr. Reynard) in this neck of the woods alternates between black like licorice and Camo-green wet-fart puddles. Badger is also hard poo, but often looks like pellets of compressed straw.
I just wish they would NOT come and do it on the front and back steps to the house. :mad:
If the security light comes ont it may scare it erway but opefully the camera will still catch a shot of it if it does leggit. Wood be interesting to know which fence it comes over ter gerrint gardin. It int triggered the light so it musta come fromt bottom of gardin.
If the security light comes ont it may scare it erway but opefully the camera will still catch a shot of it if it does leggit. Wood be interesting to know which fence it comes over ter gerrint gardin. It int triggered the light so it musta come fromt bottom of gardin.
I've got one of the Bushnell wildlife cameras that I use if I want to know what's passing in the night. The infrared light is triggered by movement.:)
Just took the bike into town to get some dosh and pay a deposit for some more UPVC, as if we don’t have enough bloody windows to clean:eek:.

I am sure they keep moving the bloody pot holes to get me;).
May get to use up this tank of fuel before packing it up for the winter. I have decided I need a new helmet to the foam is falling apart and blows in me eyes. Checked the date when I got home. Made in 98:eek::oops:. It’s a shame but it will have to be swapped out. Will do as a spare for the quad users.

Added to my Xmas list:D

More poo cam news. It captured 5 magpies yesterday. Then 6. Then 7. All around me meal wurms un jumping ont me bafs. Some had drunks while later ont they were on their own avvin er baf. Anuvva poo left over night. Poo cam triggered at 3:48am but it were pitch black so nothing ont screen. Bricks moved an inch again. Culprit were slightly out of sight of the security light sensor so eye moved it this morning ter further oot. Hopefully wotevva triggers the camera will now trigger the light so eye's can see it. Poo were black, normal and solid.

Thats a story never to be told then.

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