Oh dear..... I am in the doghouse...again.
Yesterday we went to watch a film she had just recorded.
She started it and I said "Hey we watched this just a few weeks ago".
Argument ensued she accused me of mis-remembering and then she went to great lengths to show me it wasn't in her old list.
Today I look on google to find out how you can access "deleted recordings" on your Virgin Media box.
There it was... Recorded on the4th March from More 4 channel.
Now I am accused of being vindictive and going to great lengths to prove her wrong.
I suggested sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander, i.e. "What did you do last night to show me it had never been watched before?".
I don't understand her sometimes/all the time/ever.
Oh dear..... I am in the doghouse...again.
Yesterday we went to watch a film she had just recorded.
She started it and I said "Hey we watched this just a few weeks ago".
Argument ensued she accused me of mis-remembering and then she went to great lengths to show me it wasn't in her old list.
Today I look on google to find out how you can access "deleted recordings" on your Virgin Media box.
There it was... Recorded on the4th March from More 4 channel.
Now I am accused of being vindictive and going to great lengths to prove her wrong.
I suggested sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander, i.e. "What did you do last night to show me it had never been watched before?".
I don't understand her sometimes/all the time/ever.
OH MY 😟 that situation is in my house at times...at least it's not just you.😬
Hello All, I have heard from our @WhiskyLassie and I am pleased to tell you that she is alive & well and is fully occupied getting her feet under the table in her new job. Sadly this means that she has less time to drop by to chat with us all right now, but when she has the new job buttoned down she will be along to say hello. :)
Oh dear..... I am in the doghouse...again.
Yesterday we went to watch a film she had just recorded.
She started it and I said "Hey we watched this just a few weeks ago".
Argument ensued she accused me of mis-remembering and then she went to great lengths to show me it wasn't in her old list.
Today I look on google to find out how you can access "deleted recordings" on your Virgin Media box.
There it was... Recorded on the4th March from More 4 channel.
Now I am accused of being vindictive and going to great lengths to prove her wrong.
I suggested sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander, i.e. "What did you do last night to show me it had never been watched before?".
I don't understand her sometimes/all the time/ever.
This is a little hilarious.
You are being got at for, for once, remembering something that happened a while back. (And for winning an argument and proving it.)
Which is usually a female modus operandi.

As you say, sauce for the goose is sauce for "elephant memory"!! 🤣 🤣 🤣

(Wimmins second modus operandi being "....and another thing!". )
I love them to bits but my mother taught me, through being a total female dog, to both my dad and me, how to argue with them.
But they have natural physical advantages when it comes to arguing.

Sympathies, mate!
A load of freelanders on a lorry.....................

Oh dear..... I am in the doghouse...again.
Yesterday we went to watch a film she had just recorded.
She started it and I said "Hey we watched this just a few weeks ago".
Argument ensued she accused me of mis-remembering and then she went to great lengths to show me it wasn't in her old list.
Today I look on google to find out how you can access "deleted recordings" on your Virgin Media box.
There it was... Recorded on the4th March from More 4 channel.
Now I am accused of being vindictive and going to great lengths to prove her wrong.
I suggested sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander, i.e. "What did you do last night to show me it had never been watched before?".
I don't understand her sometimes/all the time/ever.
This was largely why our eldest dottir and her husband broke up. She argued the hind leg off a donkey, he just went quiet.
She complained to me that "He just won't argue with me!" I explained to her that men tend to argue one point at a time and if you throw three arguments at him while your brain is coming up with 4 more, he has nowhere to go.
Her entire working life is/was words as an HR manager, which she was amazingly good at and latterly as an academic a head of dept in a uni lecturing in company law. He is/was a builder/woodworker/joiner. He can do anything with "resistant materials", he has a very strong and amusing personality. He is also very warm and kind. As is she.
When I first met them I couldn't believe they were a couple. Although he adored her they were SO different.
So now he is with a woman who is far more like a typical tradie's wife. While she is with a craftsman who is also better with his mouth and will not stand for her nonsense.

Nowt as funny as folk. ;););)
Handy avvin this fred. Just looked back. My hippo's insurance was 617 sovs. It auto renewed so I logged in and gorra 44 sov discount to stop me leaving. Limited to 5k miles. Value 15k sovs. MY15 top spec.
Boy that seems high. I thort the one on my disco 2 at £415 was a bit steep, but it does cover us for as long as we want to be abroad and also recovery all year round again, no matter the country. Ours too is limited to 5k.
Oh dear..... I am in the doghouse...again.
Yesterday we went to watch a film she had just recorded.
She started it and I said "Hey we watched this just a few weeks ago".
Argument ensued she accused me of mis-remembering and then she went to great lengths to show me it wasn't in her old list.
Today I look on google to find out how you can access "deleted recordings" on your Virgin Media box.
There it was... Recorded on the4th March from More 4 channel.
Now I am accused of being vindictive and going to great lengths to prove her wrong.
I suggested sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander, i.e. "What did you do last night to show me it had never been watched before?".
I don't understand her sometimes/all the time/ever.

Oh aye you've just reminded me..........haha

We had a ding dong this morning when I woke up she said to me about giving her the bent tweezers to remove a tic from the
dog last night me= what you talking about have you lost the plot what tic ?? She said I never remember anything the tic was
above her eye and she had tp remove it me = are you still drunk 🤣 🤣 Oh well that was fuel onto the fire. So I buggered off
to work. Ive just chinned her now about it, oh yer I might have been dreaming 🤣🤣 Silly moo.
Oh dear..... I am in the doghouse...again.
Yesterday we went to watch a film she had just recorded.
She started it and I said "Hey we watched this just a few weeks ago".
Argument ensued she accused me of mis-remembering and then she went to great lengths to show me it wasn't in her old list.
Today I look on google to find out how you can access "deleted recordings" on your Virgin Media box.
There it was... Recorded on the4th March from More 4 channel.
Now I am accused of being vindictive and going to great lengths to prove her wrong.
I suggested sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander, i.e. "What did you do last night to show me it had never been watched before?".
I don't understand her sometimes/all the time/ever.
Get her suitcase down from the loft 😊
Oh aye you've just reminded me..........haha

We had a ding dong this morning when I woke up she said to me about giving her the bent tweezers to remove a tic from the
dog last night me= what you talking about have you lost the plot what tic ?? She said I never remember anything the tic was
above her eye and she had tp remove it me = are you still drunk 🤣 🤣 Oh well that was fuel onto the fire. So I buggered off
to work. Ive just chinned her now about it, oh yer I might have been dreaming 🤣🤣 Silly moo.
"Chinning" in Scotland must mean something else as doon sooth it means belting someone on.... the chin!
Hello All, I have heard from our @WhiskyLassie and I am pleased to tell you that she is alive & well and is fully occupied getting her feet under the table in her new job. Sadly this means that she has less time to drop by to chat with us all right now, but when she has the new job buttoned down she will be along to say hello. :)
What about @DevonGuy not heard from him lately 😟
Oh aye you've just reminded me..........haha

We had a ding dong this morning when I woke up she said to me about giving her the bent tweezers to remove a tic from the
dog last night me= what you talking about have you lost the plot what tic ?? She said I never remember anything the tic was
above her eye and she had tp remove it me = are you still drunk 🤣 🤣 Oh well that was fuel onto the fire. So I buggered off
to work. Ive just chinned her now about it, oh yer I might have been dreaming 🤣🤣 Silly moo.
Bit early in the year for ticks ?
Oh aye you've just reminded me..........haha

We had a ding dong this morning when I woke up she said to me about giving her the bent tweezers to remove a tic from the
dog last night me= what you talking about have you lost the plot what tic ?? She said I never remember anything the tic was
above her eye and she had tp remove it me = are you still drunk 🤣 🤣 Oh well that was fuel onto the fire. So I buggered off
to work. Ive just chinned her now about it, oh yer I might have been dreaming 🤣🤣 Silly moo.
Had something similar today W came up to the allotment, I showed her the garlic and how well it is growing, 5min later she asked how is the garlic doing , I said I just showed you them , she said - you said thay where leeks
I said , ------ off 😠

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