Rained overnight but brightening now.
Bit of drama with herself's daughter's car. Received a minor rear ender (steady now Stan) , cosmetic damage only and the offender's insurance have written it off! They've offered her 4k to keep it, or 5k to take it away.
I suggested she look at getting it repaired and it would be profitable as the quote is less than 2k.
Any thoughts on cat. N write off issues anyone?
Fink there may be another vehicle involved. Wings show the bumper pushed back which could be it hitting the wall. Roof and windscreen impact it either it being upside down or a vehicle going over it. Bonnet ain't damaged which is strange. Near side looks ok. Can't see other side. Tis surprising how quick peeps can roll it onto its feet. Eye is wondering if all the damage happened there. Or another vehicle involved drove oft.

Yes, as I said above, there was another vehicle , an Audi, which was dented down one side and one of the rear wheels was at an odd angle. I didn't take a picture because there was a group of young men around it shouting and gesticulatuing vigorously and I didn't want to provoke them. Even so, it's an interesting pattern of damage. There were enough people about to roll a car back onto its wheels but I looked out pretty promptly and didn't see them doing so. Plus the damage is just to the front part of the roof and the windscreen, as if it's gone under the back of an HGV as per @Wimblowdriver 's suggestion. But there was no sign of an HGV, and most of them have barriers on nowadays to prevent that happening. There was a man in a tracksuit shouting about 'a bike' having been involved, that had ridden off. It's all cleared away this morning, so we'll probably never know. Makes me glad I've got a dashcam.
Rained overnight but brightening now.
Bit of drama with herself's daughter's car. Received a minor rear ender (steady now Stan) , cosmetic damage only and the offender's insurance have written it off! They've offered her 4k to keep it, or 5k to take it away.
I suggested she look at getting it repaired and it would be profitable as the quote is less than 2k.
Any thoughts on cat. N write off issues anyone?

Anyone asked if they'll not notify as Cat N ? you know, not write it to DVLA as such ?
I've recently adopted one of Xylia's cast off iPhones. She has to have the latest one, of course, and I get the old ones. I'm not a mobile phone person, but it's useful to stick in the Land Rover with a PAYG sim in it in case I need to get the AA out. This one has ambitions to be more, clearly. It displays rather stentorian messages saying 'TIME SENSITVE Phone left behind' and 'This iPhone is no longer detected near you'. It seems to think it belongs on my person at all times. How very presumptous. Why would I want to live under the perpetual gaze of Apple and Vodafone?

I remember many years ago there was a talking doll called 'Chatty Cathy' who produced various phrases when her string was pulled and allowed to rewind. One of these was 'Take me with you'. Coming from a doll, it was rather cute, and it was only clockwork anyway, and designed to entertain three year old girls. But with something as smart as an iPhone it all seems rather sinister.
Modern fones can sense yer presence. Tis not all bad. They can shout out if left behind. Eye fones have a mesh network where yer can locate yours via others, iffits oft line. Like when stolen.
Rained overnight but brightening now.
Bit of drama with herself's daughter's car. Received a minor rear ender (steady now Stan) , cosmetic damage only and the offender's insurance have written it off! They've offered her 4k to keep it, or 5k to take it away.
I suggested she look at getting it repaired and it would be profitable as the quote is less than 2k.
Any thoughts on cat. N write off issues anyone?
Probably devalue it so no one would want to buy it laterer on. May need to check wiv insurance they will insure it in future.
I think I can see wht's happened. Looks like the Audi pulled out from a parking space at the same time as the silver BMW estate was passing, which accounts for the damage down its right hand side. The BMW was tipped onto its side and scraped along the pavement:
Took chunks out of the kerbstones:

Its windscreen and roof hit the telegraph pole - this matches the damage on the car very neatly:
And that was probably enough to tip it back onto its wheels as it came to rest a little further up where that pile of debris is. That matches the sound we heard at the time, which was a scrapy, rumbly kind of noise which sounded like an avalanche, rather than a bang which is what you usually hear from accidents in our street. The length of the scrape marks suggest that the silver car was going considerably faster than the 30 mph speed limit, but then everybody does so on that road.
Rained overnight but brightening now.
Bit of drama with herself's daughter's car. Received a minor rear ender (steady now Stan) , cosmetic damage only and the offender's insurance have written it off! They've offered her 4k to keep it, or 5k to take it away.
I suggested she look at getting it repaired and it would be profitable as the quote is less than 2k.
Any thoughts on cat. N write off issues anyone?

I have several times done exactly as you said. Take amount they have offered, get it repaired and she'd be quids in.

Once repaired it'll be fine and totally roadworthy.
Last edited:
Rained overnight but brightening now.
Bit of drama with herself's daughter's car. Received a minor rear ender (steady now Stan) , cosmetic damage only and the offender's insurance have written it off! They've offered her 4k to keep it, or 5k to take it away.
I suggested she look at getting it repaired and it would be profitable as the quote is less than 2k.
Any thoughts on cat. N write off issues anyone?

Stick to your guns(hers) tell them to repair it and not to write it off, end of.

Afternoon folks :).

Well a lovely day here and we went to a "Toderovden"(Horse Easter) get together.
Its an excuse for a village party, not our village the nextdoor 1, we saw the horse racing bareback, but really they a cart horses so not used to the control needed. Some quite funny streeing and braking techniques on show:oops:. Had a chat with a few we knew, then decided that there was too much Raki & homemade wine being offered for the drive home:oops:, so made an exit.


Note (a) is explaining the reason why his Series one petrol distribution cap is repairable. The left hand is raised to reassure the (b) Newbie garage attendant.
As (a) has no real experience in driving, but basic knowledge from reading the paragraph on repairing Distribution cap. We can surmise (b) is left at disadvantage therefore a "Canterbury" is needed here.
Most Landyzone brethren familiar of the "Canterbury" would immediately repose straight away with a "Ledbury and Lichfield". There's a older one in Landyzone Manual not widely known for situations like this called (Inverness Googling). But recently I brought the subject up to the Moderator, who referred me to the Steam Engine section page 1567 paragraph Length of Leptwich lever arm.
Therefore only the "Ledbury and Lichfield" for circumstances like subject I mentioned earlier.
As (b) Newbie, was left with no options available a "Repton 1656ad" by (a) was used by leaving the premises.
Page 176
Landyzone Manual

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