Many years ago, during my teenage years in Somerset I was in a car with some friends one night, driving along one of those narrow country roads with high sides when all of a sudden a cow appeared on the bonnet. The car nose-dived under the weight and the cow rolled over the bonnet, broke the windscreen, rolled over the roof and landed in the road behind. We could see it in the red glow of the single surviving tail light, apparently having a convulsion with its legs waving in the air. After a moment or two it sprung to its feet and ran away. The car was in a bad way with the bonnet, roof and boot panels bent inwards, glass broken and several lights put out. The cassette player was still merrily playing away, so we assessed the damage to the tune of Patti Smith. The cow must have chosen the precise moment we were passing to jump through the hedge. The car was still mobile so my friend whose car it was limped it home with his head sticking out of the window to see where he was going. On inquiring at all the nearby farmhouses, none of the farmers admitted to owning the cow, so the mystery remains unsolved to this day.
Many years ago, during my teenage years in Somerset I was in a car with some friends one night, driving along one of those narrow country roads with high sides when all of a sudden a cow appeared on the bonnet. The car nose-dived under the weight and the cow rolled over the bonnet, broke the windscreen, rolled over the roof and landed in the road behind. We could see it in the red glow of the single surviving tail light, apparently having a convulsion with its legs waving in the air. After a moment or two it sprung to its feet and ran away. The car was in a bad way with the bonnet, roof and boot panels bent inwards, glass broken and several lights put out. The cassette player was still merrily playing away, so we assessed the damage to the tune of Patti Smith. The cow must have chosen the precise moment we were passing to jump through the hedge. The car was still mobile so my friend whose car it was limped it home with his head sticking out of the window to see where he was going. On inquiring at all the nearby farmhouses, none of the farmers admitted to owning the cow, so the mystery remains unsolved to this day.

Some folk I knew here hit a cow on the road one night and veered across the road head on into a fully loaded truck. Three died instantly

Ideal information for new starters buying a Landrover.
Each hand signalling or known as the "Landrover Wave" are now officially recognised by regular users.
When buying your own Landrover, please practice your official hand wave for the exam board.
If you are buying a Range Rover, your chauffeur will inform you to present the left hand only.
Freelander 1 and possible 2 are provided with the extra magazine racks and adapters for mobile salon.
Evoque buyer's, will have a free Samaritans pamphlet weekly issued, regardless whether needed or not.
Discovery or colloquial known as Disco, new buyer's will be shown the Yuppie "Dick Wave". A training large "brick" mobile phone, for wrist strengthening until your iPhone is returned back.
Series and early Ninety onwards before Defender must expect driving without power steering. Hence when the wave is in use will display increase biceps muscle mass.
Hopefully these instructions will help new starters adjust quickly to Landrover environment and landyzone forum.
Did you get the results on screen with your android. Sometimes the browsing history will retain the last information. Or at the time if you share the for printing and then save as pdf. Must admit my payslips from a dedicated site for royal mail, are restricted for pdf saving in the end I have to print. I would have a quick look at the browser history first.
When closing down me web browser eye always delete all of the history, everyfink ticked. On this occasion after selecting save as, it seemed to put a filter over the page assif it had over layed anuvver screen wiv somefink else. Like options to save. Problem was there wasn't anyfink. Zoomed oot, nowt. May be down to how me fone is settup wiv max security. Will try again on me phooter.
There's been a big accident in the street outside. Yes, I was one of those ghoulish people who went out and took a picture. But I did have a good check to make sure there was no one hurt first, so it wasn't in the poorest of taste.
View attachment 336593
It's hit the wall, but something's dented the roof in and broken the windscreen. There was another car standing in the road which was dented down one side, but it's hard to work out what's happened. Note the trousers worn with the waistband beneath the buttocks. That's still the height of fashion here. In the rest of the world everybody else pulled theirs up over a decade ago, including the gangsta rappers.

Despite its rather intrusive demands to be by my side, the iPhone is capable of taking very good pictures in the dark.
Fink there may be another vehicle involved. Wings show the bumper pushed back which could be it hitting the wall. Roof and windscreen impact it either it being upside down or a vehicle going over it. Bonnet ain't damaged which is strange. Near side looks ok. Can't see other side. Tis surprising how quick peeps can roll it onto its feet. Eye is wondering if all the damage happened there. Or another vehicle involved drove oft.
Me baff room sink has one of them plugs yer push to close and unclose. Eye dunt like it so unscrewed it. Up n down fing it still there which gets int way when eye need to use me plunger to unblock it. The type where yer suck up liquid and push it down said sink hole. It blocks the end So eye as bin lookering for a normal concertina sink unblocker. To my surprise they be difficult to get. Homebase is arf closing. Somefink to do wiv The Range now. Screwfix, toolstation and bnq yer can buy online or collect next day fer first two. If yer need it same day yer stuck. All this online buying is pushing chops to offer stuff they dun't stock. Or to compete wiv the online range available they sellit but dun't stock it in chops. Next day collect or deliver.
Busy day yesterdi ...

Got to Dads as usual at 5am, gave him his meds, got him up, washed and the treat of a haircut ... :D

Dressed as he has a 9am appointment with the hearing clinic to have his ears vacuumed it :oops: ...

That done, they did a hearing test and issued him with new hearing aids, also a pile of batteries

Went to a nearby café for coffee and scrambled egg on toast ... he then moaned how loud it was in there :rolleyes: left having bought some bread pudding for him to have with his tea that arvo ....

Back home, I finished the laundry and hung it out on the balcony, did some of his other housework while waiting for his 2pm appointment to arrive ...

So the appointment was to assess some noo care company as he's proper tee'ed off with this lot dicking him about ...

They send be their care plan for him and we'll go from there...

Today is my day off from Dad, even tho I've done the Meds run ...

Started my laundry, cleaned the bathroom, sorted the cat litter box properly ...
Will need to raid Tesco's soon as I've scoffed some brekky ...
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