Built on the base of the typical yank truck. As used on the Red Ball line.
They were only expected to last a short time.
I saw one on a beach in the Caribbean about 20 years ago. Giving trips to tourists. It got stuck in the sand when it came out of the water 🤣. There was one doing the same on the Thames a few years ago, dunno if it's still working.
Anyways me boiler is bubbling away. Trying its best to heat me. Repair man ere tomorrow. Eye is oft to find a bucket to avver wash in. Now that may sound daft but me sink will absorb the heat if eye use that. So bucket it is. Water will say warmer fer longerer.
Can you not turn the heating off or down low for a while then heat water with an immersion?
I saw one on a beach in the Caribbean about 20 years ago. Giving trips to tourists. It got stuck in the sand when it came out of the water 🤣. There was one doing the same on the Thames a few years ago, dunno if it's still working.
There are a few still working around the world, can't think where, but a google will show them. Some ferrying tourists around harbours.
Can you not turn the heating off or down low for a while then heat water with an immersion?
There's no leccy emersion or storage tank. Gas heating water and hot tap water from the same unit.

It tripped out at 10am smornin so eye left if oft all day while eye were at wuk. Put back on at 7pm. It has run ok since. I have already dropped both water temps to 40 to stop it gerrin too hot, finking it were a temp problem due to the boiling. Its now running assif there be no fault. Bin on 4 hours.

It has somefink like 4L of tap water inside, to help it oroduce hot water on demand.
Yesterday's bit of fun was being advised at 5 ayem that the loo was blocked (with the typical inference that it was my fault). I stuck me arm down it an did me best but to no avail.

Nipped oft wuk early an clambered up to rod the downpipe, was a sod, but shifted in the end.

Enjoy your breakfast. 😁
Yesterday's bit of fun was being advised at 5 ayem that the loo was blocked (with the typical inference that it was my fault). I stuck me arm down it an did me best but to no avail.

Nipped oft wuk early an clambered up to rod the downpipe, was a sod, but shifted in the end.

Enjoy your breakfast. 😁
Yer can gerra bog plunger shaped fing fer that. Save gerra yer hands mucky.
Me boiler had a good nights sleep. Ain't boiled once since putting him back on last night. When he were oft fer 7 hours yesdi me castle lost about 2 to 2.5 degrees C from each room. Thas not bad. Eye were eggspecting it to drop a lot quicker. It were 9 ootside.
There's no leccy emersion or storage tank. Gas heating water and hot tap water from the same unit.

It tripped out at 10am smornin so eye left if oft all day while eye were at wuk. Put back on at 7pm. It has run ok since. I have already dropped both water temps to 40 to stop it gerrin too hot, finking it were a temp problem due to the boiling. Its now running assif there be no fault. Bin on 4 hours.

It has somefink like 4L of tap water inside, to help it oroduce hot water on demand.
Of course, soz, being not stone age there is no back up and no storage of hot water. My bad.

But 40 degs for hot water ain't good. Legionnaires and all that. Although I really do doubt it'd be a problem as some part of the system has to be open to the air I believe for that to happen. As long as you run water through your shower every day!! (45 to 50 degs minimum is usually what is seen to be safe.)

If you think you might have accidentally fixed it why not gradually send the temp up to see if you really have? anyway, glad it ain't boiling no more!:)

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