...as per Wimblowdriver's last post.
Couldn't agree more!!

Imagine if all of the USA had to speak the individual languages of the original injun inhabitants.
Bearing in mind that none of them were ever written down!!! and i have no idea how many different tribes there were!!

LOTSA fun!!!!
Apparently (I watch a lot of history telly) - during WW2 the yanks used native Americans as radio operators. The enemy could not decipher any of the communications as they had no idea what languages were being spoken.
I was going to say a boat wheel then one of you smart lot would say boats dont ave wheels.
Oh yes they do ----

Maybe your someone/Flintstone with the old boiler doesn't use it properly or ever service it. Ours certainly doesn't use anything like that in gas, our total bill per month for gas and electric is about 135 sovs a month. For a 4 bed/2 bath/ 2 recep/ etc house. And that is the winter cost, in the summer obvs it is off. Obvs his girls don't help!
It obviously helps to look after any boiler, but ours costs us very little in spares and maintenance cos so little goes wrong, the odd overurn stat, the odd thermo couple and one single gas valve, in all the time we have had it.

So I don't understand when you say that at 8 years old it is halfway through its life, yet then you say that replacing parts on something that is broken is more environmentally friendly than replacing with a new one?

Anyway it doesn't matter, we are both happy with what we have got. ;)
Efficient boilers are worth repairing if yer can. The part on its own will be less damaging to the environment to make than replacing the whole fing. But there comes a time whennits beyond worth it financially. Probably because of labour.

At wuk we had two industrial gas boilers. We changed them after 10 years because the efficiency had gone up on the new ones. When burning gas ferra big building the expense of the change can be betterer for the envitonment as our gas demand dropped, we were burning thay much.

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