Me boiler be fixed. There's a small tank a bit biggerer than a pack of crisps where the condensate collects. That fills up then it runs oot when told to. Which is why eye sometimes hear it run down the pipe if am ootsite. Anyways me tank be gunged up wiv gung and bits of metal in its oot put. That stopped the condensate flowing oot when told to. The kettle boiling eye could hear was the flame hitting the condensate. The flame is at the top and points down. If the condenstate trap is full, it fills up the next bit. Wot eye call the flame burning bit or combustion chamberer. So me flame were sometimes licking me condensate and the reaction was the boiling sound. When eye turned down the temp it may have bin on a lower flame, and run fer less time. That produces less condenstate. He said lower flames dun't produce any noticeable condenstate. So more time for the condensate to leak frew the blockage to clear itself. So thats why it got betterer after being oft ferrabit. So he takes the tank oft to clean it oot. Took somefink else oft to see the exchanger is clear. Sometimes the metal bits can come from ere assit will disintegrate a bit during its life. It were clear. Then took the gas valve oft to check it as we talked about it stopping wurking last time because the gas bord were chucking fragments of metal down me gas pipe. It were clear so we be apply. Done the service bit then checked it were burning propper wiv his meter. All sorted.
Sun's shining, glass was on stormy last night but coming up now so should stay fine.
Not tidied up outside since the storm so may have a go at that today. :)
Volvo battery been fine since I took LED 's out of the sidelights
Just looking at my old truck and it has Land Rover sidelights, indicators, Tyres, switches, headlamps and wipers, does it identify as a Landy ?
Stay busy all :)
Sun's shining, glass was on stormy last night but coming up now so should stay fine.
Not tidied up outside since the storm so may have a go at that today. :)
Volvo battery been fine since I took LED 's out of the sidelights
Just looking at my old truck and it has Land Rover sidelights, indicators, Tyres, switches, headlamps and wipers, does it identify as a Landy ?
Stay busy all :)
Iffits born in a biscuit tin, it be a biscuit.
Me boiler be fixed. There's a small tank a bit biggerer than a pack of crisps where the condensate collects. That fills up then it runs oot when told to. Which is why eye sometimes hear it run down the pipe if am ootsite. Anyways me tank be gunged up wiv gung and bits of metal in its oot put. That stopped the condensate flowing oot when told to. The kettle boiling eye could hear was the flame hitting the condensate. The flame is at the top and points down. If the condenstate trap is full, it fills up the next bit. Wot eye call the flame burning bit or combustion chamberer. So me flame were sometimes licking me condensate and the reaction was the boiling sound. When eye turned down the temp it may have bin on a lower flame, and run fer less time. That produces less condenstate. He said lower flames dun't produce any noticeable condenstate. So more time for the condensate to leak frew the blockage to clear itself. So thats why it got betterer after being oft ferrabit. So he takes the tank oft to clean it oot. Took somefink else oft to see the exchanger is clear. Sometimes the metal bits can come from ere assit will disintegrate a bit during its life. It were clear. Then took the gas valve oft to check it as we talked about it stopping wurking last time because the gas bord were chucking fragments of metal down me gas pipe. It were clear so we be apply. Done the service bit then checked it were burning propper wiv his meter. All sorted.
Get rid of it and get a proper heating system ( log burner or stans boiler )
Efficiency a boiler that don't cut out if it gets a cobwebs stuck in it
Sun's shining, glass was on stormy last night but coming up now so should stay fine.
Not tidied up outside since the storm so may have a go at that today. :)
Volvo battery been fine since I took LED 's out of the sidelights
Just looking at my old truck and it has Land Rover sidelights, indicators, Tyres, switches, headlamps and wipers, does it identify as a Landy ?
Stay busy all :)
Has it got the green oval if not its not a LR😃
Me boiler be fixed. There's a small tank a bit biggerer than a pack of crisps where the condensate collects. That fills up then it runs oot when told to. Which is why eye sometimes hear it run down the pipe if am ootsite. Anyways me tank be gunged up wiv gung and bits of metal in its oot put. That stopped the condensate flowing oot when told to. The kettle boiling eye could hear was the flame hitting the condensate. The flame is at the top and points down. If the condenstate trap is full, it fills up the next bit. Wot eye call the flame burning bit or combustion chamberer. So me flame were sometimes licking me condensate and the reaction was the boiling sound. When eye turned down the temp it may have bin on a lower flame, and run fer less time. That produces less condenstate. He said lower flames dun't produce any noticeable condenstate. So more time for the condensate to leak frew the blockage to clear itself. So thats why it got betterer after being oft ferrabit. So he takes the tank oft to clean it oot. Took somefink else oft to see the exchanger is clear. Sometimes the metal bits can come from ere assit will disintegrate a bit during its life. It were clear. Then took the gas valve oft to check it as we talked about it stopping wurking last time because the gas bord were chucking fragments of metal down me gas pipe. It were clear so we be apply. Done the service bit then checked it were burning propper wiv his meter. All sorted.
Hope it discharges in to a lime stone soak a way ??

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