Cor tis proper hot here. Waiting for the predicted thunderstorm.
I lowered the level in the pool in anticipation while cleaning it.
24 degs on the old bod feels superb when you is hot!
Amazed at how much the "bache a bulles" (bubble wrap cover) has kept the rest of the pool clean!
W is still wonderin if the burd nextdoor caught an eyeful as I was swimming and working around the pool.
Must remember the budgie smugglers next time! ;) ;)
Digging up potatoes today for winter storage seems we spend all summer getting ready for winter wood still to cut and split shutters and Windows halve done just been watching a black squirrel going mad round and round a lime tree have a good Sunday
Morning All. :D
I seem to have messed my knee up. :(
Awful night, I woke up every hour it seems. Like having "tooth-ache" inside the knee.
Came downstairs for painkillers and a cold gel-pack.
No idea what I have done but it blooming well hurts like Billy-ho.
I was hoping to go out on the trike to do a test ride to establish what It's turning circle was, but I can't see me being able to get on/off the trike at all. :(
Have a great day. :D

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