One benefit of the jazz evening was that at the end when we were wining and nibbling we got a chance to talk to the players.
I chatted to the guitarist who was great and showed him my sad old fingers. We discussed it and he talked about tuning in "8ths" which I have never heard of before. He reckoned it made things easier and more relaxed.
I will deffo have to look into this, even though I may be getting surgery on them later in the year.
Such lovely people! I like talking to musicians I have never met one who was up himself or herself.
Picked up a sow that had just been runned over round the corner yesdi. Poor little sod was still warm, but clearly doornail. I don't like to see em get mushed upt to took her over the grave yard instead. A more natural aftermath at least.
Good for you mate.
I know just how you feel.
I was once waiting at a red light on a busyish road in out town in the UK. Two squirrels were playing around a tree and over the pavement. I said to the wife "hope one of them don't get run over" then 2 seconds later that exactly happened. I don't like grey squirrels but they are fun creatures all the same and don't deserve to be KOd like that. :(
Good for you mate.
I know just how you feel.
I was once waiting at a red light on a busyish road in out town in the UK. Two squirrels were playing around a tree and over the pavement. I said to the wife "hope one of them don't get run over" then 2 seconds later that exactly happened. I don't like grey squirrels but they are fun creatures all the same and don't deserve to be KOd like that. :(
Agreed. As a half assed Buddhist I think ickle peeps should be treated kindly where possible.
One benefit of the jazz evening was that at the end when we were wining and nibbling we got a chance to talk to the players.
I chatted to the guitarist who was great and showed him my sad old fingers. We discussed it and he talked about tuning in "8ths" which I have never heard of before. He reckoned it made things easier and more relaxed.
I will deffo have to look into this, even though I may be getting surgery on them later in the year.
Such lovely people! I like talking to musicians I have never met one who was up himself or herself.

So wots up way yer jazz hands then.
So wots up way yer jazz hands then.
Apart from having cut the tip off my left index with a plunge saw, (Is that what the flipping thing is called?) I also have bad arthuritis in most of my fingers and my thumbs.
Well I say "bad" it is all relative, but I am having trouble doing anything much with small screws with my left hand and playing the guitar as I used to is history.
Thort I'd posted this before.
Have you had a good day?
Oh, and our other dog, well one of the last two, went to the vets today for dental work and we expected her to return minus a tooth or two.
But no. The vet reckons that she is very prone to tartar and this is what caused them to think earlier that she'd need to lose a couple. So she is back with us fully toothed! some good news! She showed me a photy she took of the inflammation caused by the tartar in her gum. Never heard of this before but then she has done more training on teeth than the other two vets.
We'll see how she gets on. Of course if she remains the same or gets no better it'll be our fault from now on.
"Pass me that electric toothbrush/Wire wheel in an angle grinder". 🤣 🤣 🤣
Apart from having cut the tip off my left index with a plunge saw, (Is that what the flipping thing is called?) I also have bad arthuritis in most of my fingers and my thumbs.
Well I say "bad" it is all relative, but I am having trouble doing anything much with small screws with my left hand and playing the guitar as I used to is history.
Thort I'd posted this before.
Have you had a good day
Yes I do remember you said youd chopped yer digit off kinda hard to plink without a plinker. 🤣 🤣

Good wee day ta much. :):)
Vote Loony. You know it makes sense ----- :p


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