I am still a little bit :vb-confused2:.

We have done everything we can to get our voting envelopes here (since we were given the right back).

So which part of the voting group are you talking about?

Not sure I quite understand your post. But I am mostly thinking of the pensioners who go away in early summer or early autumn to avoid the extra costs and crowded tourist spots during the school hols. They will still be able to vote and as has been proven in the past, a heck of them will vote Tory. They won't have to get organised as we have had to. We have had to in the past as well, we do it by proxy.

But already as has been on the noos, peeps relying on using postal votes are being denied the chance, or maybe not depending on the outcome of the outcry.
And the areas most affected, according to the map W showed me, tend to be rural areas where the Tory vote is strong anyway. So maybe there, if all things were equal, there would have been more of a chance of ousting the residing Tory candidate.
But if Joe Bloggs, rural shop assistant in a Tory ward, has booked his all-in hol in Torremolinos, and wanted to vote Labour via a postal vote, nad has gone away this weekend not having been able to vote by post his vote won't count and said Tory person remains in place, or is more likely to.
If is multiplied by large numbers, then Sunak will have done what he wanted by calling the election in July!

(Pauses for breath)
Nor do you if you are selling stuff.

So "Son" will take a mortgage? Stick to your guns and make it get sold. 50/50.
You have been more than fair in a courts eyes (Shirley)
Cos whatever valuation it will be low so you get less.

Hope its a goodun.

Thing is you have been too nice. You have made a new life found housing and let her get on with it.

Going to tell you a little story, I will keep it short.

Split from wife, she wants to sell, I tell her fine she will be responsible for half the shortfall on the left over (she weren't appy).
We were divorced, but not financially.
She left the house to live with her boyfriend (to be husband & Ex husband:oops:) and left me many bills. (oh I am still paying the mortgage) Then the 400/4 got parked in the front hall then later the Zed 1000 (1105)
Sorted that, then years later (15 maybe) asked her to sign the house over as the "endowment" was ready to payout. She said fine.
She got 20k I got a house that was at the time worth 250k with no mortgage ( I had changed it to overpay she didn't know, risky).

By the sounds of it you had/have no mortgage and the house is paid for?
How many bedrooms?
Move back in, you are within your right its as much your house. (I did it was fun)

Its not a nice place to be but you should not have to sell everything you have to do this:(.

All I can say is it sounds like outside interference, Agree to the Divorce but she can still live in the house as long as she keeps it up. But half the value is yours to "will" to whomever you want.

Its not a nice path and many of us have had the experience I would not wish on anybody.

I really wish you luck, cos you have been more than fair.

You're dead right there
If she stays in house though and dies before me son will still get a larger portion I'm told, presuming she's put house in a will.
If I die first the smaller portion goes to whomever I willed my bit to.
Thats one option according to previous court cases.
Hopefully she'll see reason but I doubt it
You're dead right there
If she stays in house though and dies before me son will still get a larger portion I'm told, presuming she's put house in a will.
If I die first the smaller portion goes to whomever I willed my bit to.
Thats one option according to previous court cases.
Hopefully she'll see reason but I doubt it
Depends on the type of ownership you have between you.

Not sure I quite understand your post. But I am mostly thinking of the pensioners who go away in early summer or early autumn to avoid the extra costs and crowded tourist spots during the school hols. They will still be able to vote and as has been proven in the past, a heck of them will vote Tory. They won't have to get organised as we have had to. We have had to in the past as well, we do it by proxy.

But already as has been on the noos, peeps relying on using postal votes are being denied the chance, or maybe not depending on the outcome of the outcry.
And the areas most affected, according to the map W showed me, tend to be rural areas where the Tory vote is strong anyway. So maybe there, if all things were equal, there would have been more of a chance of ousting the residing Tory candidate.
But if Joe Bloggs, rural shop assistant in a Tory ward, has booked his all-in hol in Torremolinos, and wanted to vote Labour via a postal vote, nad has gone away this weekend not having been able to vote by post his vote won't count and said Tory person remains in place, or is more likely to.
If is multiplied by large numbers, then Sunak will have done what he wanted by calling the election in July!

(Pauses for breath)
Nope sorry still dont get it.

its not charity but as its education should it be taxed/vated ?

Some kids come out better peeps, did you?
It is a business providing a service, like any other so of course it should be Vatted.

"Better peeps" that is a loaded expression!!!

Better qualified absolutely not.
Unbeknownst to my parents, who picked it out of the Guardian top 20 public schools, (they both came from pretty much working class stock and knew nothing about it) it in fact was rubbish at doing the job of educating kids. I had passed the 11 plus so could have gone to the local grammar, or a local Direct Grant place as a lot of my mates did. I went in on an Exhibition (which is am minor scholarship) and came out with 5 poop O levels and 2 poop A levels. (E grades). Ridiculous after you consider how much dosh they forked out. I had to go to evening classes 3 years later to get another A level (a better grade after a 6 month course at the local tech than any of the others I got). This jockeyed me into academia where I ended up with a 2.1.

So no it wasn't worth the money.

Did it make me a better person? It left me with a bit of a chip on my shoulder and a total dislike of the public school system. From a political and sociological point of view, I'd like to see them banned and MPs having to send their kids to state schools, THEN we'd see education improve. Ditto private health.
I was not a typical example although there are a surprising number of ex-public school students who feel or felt like I did. Not all do brilliantly.
But it showed me how it should work and when a 6th form tutor/mentor I used my knowledge to ensure that my students got into better unis than they might otherwise have done. To the extent that the school made me the "elite" tutor and gave me special kids who need my special touch. I loved beating the public schools at their own game. And this was a large part of the books I wrote after I retired, helping kids to do what they need to compete on a level playing field.

So to answer your question, in a funny reverse psychology way I think it did! It certainly made me better at my job! But not in a toffee nosed, looking down it at the working classes way. I vowed to always work in a state comprehensive and I did exactly that.

Sorry if I rambled on but it is a soap-box of mine!
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It's joint but even if I change it the judge will decide who gets what regardless
This may well be in your favour.
I won't bore peoples with a repeat of my post a while back, but if she had the capacity to earn and chose not to it should count hard against her. As it did in the case I mentioned before where a wife thought she could get a ton of money off her ex and the (female) judge knocked her right back and she came out with far, far less than she thought she was going to get.
All the stuff like you paying the rent on your council place with no contrib from her, while she was living rent free in the joint property, etc etc, should all be taken into account.
After all, a one bed flat is a "secure home".
Nope sorry still dont get it.

Well it is a moot point admittedly. But I am sure in my guts he chose the date for a flipping good reason.

We won't know if it had any effect until after the election. And then it'll take academics to work it all out, if they can be bothered. I haven't even done any research to back up my apparently wacky theory!!
It's got mange, shoot it?

Silly day today.
W got her Pfaff 297 sewing machine out. On plugging it in the machine ran as if she had her foot on the pedal.
But she didn't.
So I checked continuity in the pedal and even disconnected it at the pedal and the blamed thing still runs!
Can't see how to take the plates off to search for what must be a short circuit I think. Well I can as there are screw heads to be seen. but still a voyage of discovery yet again. No smell of burning.
She only used it the other day!
At the plug on the machine, there is continuity between the live and the neutral even with the bulb removed so still thinking the same way.
Such a shame as she could do without it right now.
Luckily she now has her Husqvarna machine to play with.
The Pfaff is so old it still has lots of slotted screw heads, and a sign "Made in West Germany". Good thing is it shouldn't have any PCBs in it!
Is the voltage the same as the UK and Amps
Ok, time to fess up.
We had to have Molly put to sleep tonight.
First time we have ever had to do this with any dog.
Everyone was totally in agreement, her brain was fried, she had cancer of the liver and her quality of life was zilch.
With all the other dogs we have ever owned this was the first time.
So not a fun time even though all the staff were lovely about it.
So we went to the producers' market, met loads of friends, got well sozzled and felt their support. Ate well too.
W is now in bed and I am sitting here grizzling a bit.

Still 15.5 years is a good innings.
R.I.P Molly. :(:(:(
Had that with 2 of are dogs it was hurting me watching them suffering but I dug the graves and buried both of them with my tears never forgotten and part of are past life 😒😒

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