Mornin all
Dull and cool here
Things to do today , for other people :rolleyes:
Having a go at improving the bike trailer later if the rain holds off 🤔
Having trouble selling my Jawa as it has a noisy gearbox bearing, giving it away but no takers. :(
Grass needs cutting but its damp and I'm not in the mood :)
Stay positive all 🙂
Mornin all!
I notice that the postal vote thing is going brests up.
The moment I knew that it would be held 4th of July I said to W, I said.
"He's done this on purpose as so many peeps will be going away on 'oliday and they won't vote or won't be able to vote an lots of 'em will not be tory voters."
And where have the problems occured? In largely Tory seats.
Well what a flipping surprise.:mad:
Mornin all
Dull and cool here
Things to do today , for other people :rolleyes:
Having a go at improving the bike trailer later if the rain holds off 🤔
Having trouble selling my Jawa as it has a noisy gearbox bearing, giving it away but no takers. :(
Grass needs cutting but its damp and I'm not in the mood :)
Stay positive all 🙂
Don't try and sell it, hide it in Edgar's pot for the foreseeable.
Get a bloke, he'd be cheaper and on your side!!
(Only joking!)

Seriously though, is she demanding money up front? I thought they'd wait until the settlement at the very least.
Shows how long ago it is since I did our DIY divorce.
Pay as you go,
She doesn't have any money but
I think she'll want to stay in the house and somehow give me a fraction of my share of the value
But I have a plan, well solicitor has :D
She doesn't have any money but

Nor do you if you are selling stuff.
I think she'll want to stay in the house and somehow give me a fraction of my share of the value

So "Son" will take a mortgage? Stick to your guns and make it get sold. 50/50.
You have been more than fair in a courts eyes (Shirley)
Cos whatever valuation it will be low so you get less.
But I have a plan, well solicitor has :D
Hope its a goodun.

Thing is you have been too nice. You have made a new life found housing and let her get on with it.

Going to tell you a little story, I will keep it short.

Split from wife, she wants to sell, I tell her fine she will be responsible for half the shortfall on the left over (she weren't appy).
We were divorced, but not financially.
She left the house to live with her boyfriend (to be husband & Ex husband:oops:) and left me many bills. (oh I am still paying the mortgage) Then the 400/4 got parked in the front hall then later the Zed 1000 (1105)
Sorted that, then years later (15 maybe) asked her to sign the house over as the "endowment" was ready to payout. She said fine.
She got 20k I got a house that was at the time worth 250k with no mortgage ( I had changed it to overpay she didn't know, risky).

By the sounds of it you had/have no mortgage and the house is paid for?
How many bedrooms?
Move back in, you are within your right its as much your house. (I did it was fun)

Its not a nice place to be but you should not have to sell everything you have to do this:(.

All I can say is it sounds like outside interference, Agree to the Divorce but she can still live in the house as long as she keeps it up. But half the value is yours to "will" to whomever you want.

Its not a nice path and many of us have had the experience I would not wish on anybody.

I really wish you luck, cos you have been more than fair.

Stan, its a sad day, but please believe you have both made the right choice as hard as it is. You will always remember the good times.

We still do for our boy:) .

Thanks mate.
We saw her deteriorating so fast, there was no chance of a cure for the cancer and her brain was obviously fried either by yet another stroke or the equivalent of senile dementia to the point where she forgot that you have to lap water from a bowl to get it in your mouth. So we went into the vet's determined to have her put to sleep. i think the vet thought she would have to convince us but obvs not.
She had a great life and a very long one. She is in a better place now.
I fail to see your logic, don't voters of either party go on holiday? Why would the tory voters "not " go on holibobs?

It isn't so much who goes away during the school holidays, although that in itself sorts out a particualr tranche of the voting population, but older peeps who traditionally vote Tory i.e. pensioners go on holiday away from the school ones, for all the obvs reasons. The singles, the wealthy etc etc all go away, but peeps from the working classes if I may dare to use such a sociological term are slightly less likely to get either a postal or a proxy vote organised in time.
It may of course be that they don't care and wouldn't have voted anyway.
Some academics will doubtless do a study of this after the event. But I can't but feel that this was a sinister ploy. If not why didn't he hold off until September?
It isn't so much who goes away during the school holidays, although that in itself sorts out a particualr tranche of the voting population, but older peeps who traditionally vote Tory i.e. pensioners go on holiday away from the school ones, for all the obvs reasons. The singles, the wealthy etc etc all go away, but peeps from the working classes if I may dare to use such a sociological term are slightly less likely to get either a postal or a proxy vote organised in time.
It may of course be that they don't care and wouldn't have voted anyway.
Some academics will doubtless do a study of this after the event. But I can't but feel that this was a sinister ploy. If not why didn't he hold off until September?
I am still a little bit :vb-confused2:.

We have done everything we can to get our voting envelopes here (since we were given the right back).

So which part of the voting group are you talking about?

Nor do you if you are selling stuff.

So "Son" will take a mortgage? Stick to your guns and make it get sold. 50/50.
You have been more than fair in a courts eyes (Shirley)
Cos whatever valuation it will be low so you get less.

Hope its a goodun.

Thing is you have been too nice. You have made a new life found housing and let her get on with it.

Going to tell you a little story, I will keep it short.

Split from wife, she wants to sell, I tell her fine she will be responsible for half the shortfall on the left over (she weren't appy).
We were divorced, but not financially.
She left the house to live with her boyfriend (to be husband & Ex husband:oops:) and left me many bills. (oh I am still paying the mortgage) Then the 400/4 got parked in the front hall then later the Zed 1000 (1105)
Sorted that, then years later (15 maybe) asked her to sign the house over as the "endowment" was ready to payout. She said fine.
She got 20k I got a house that was at the time worth 250k with no mortgage ( I had changed it to overpay she didn't know, risky).

By the sounds of it you had/have no mortgage and the house is paid for?
How many bedrooms?
Move back in, you are within your right its as much your house. (I did it was fun)

Its not a nice place to be but you should not have to sell everything you have to do this:(.

All I can say is it sounds like outside interference, Agree to the Divorce but she can still live in the house as long as she keeps it up. But half the value is yours to "will" to whomever you want.

Its not a nice path and many of us have had the experience I would not wish on anybody.

I really wish you luck, cos you have been more than fair.

I think I did say that just as there are no two marriages alike, there are no two divorces alike.
I did something a little similar.
I stayed in the house, on which we had 3 low cost endowments. To work out the value of the settlement we worked out shares in the house at the value it was allegedly at, (I made it a bit higher just to get rid of her as houses weren't selling at the time) and got the 3 endowment companies to send surrender valuations of those.
Now those were ridiculously low as we had only been paying even the first one for 3 years. But she had to take this as fair. So she got the same percentage share of that valuation in cash.
So I got yet another LCE mortgage to buy her out. I got the house and she got £12k (back in 1990).
Paying the mortgages off was tough at first, the one I took out being 100%. But W and I had met, she rented her place out and we did fine. Then moved back into hers and rented mine out, for years, until we sold it to pay for the French house.
Meanwhile my ex never bought a place.......

As you say no fun and it could have gone a lot more wrong....
'Cos they have to save up to pay for the forthcoming tax on skool fees :p
I love this idea!!!!!
Daily FaIL special!!

Starmer abandoned the idea of removing charitable status for boarding schools back in 2023. (Half roughly have it so they pay no VAT so the parents don't either.)
But he is still considering their position.

Having been to one, the idea of it being a "charity" is a total gut-wrenching joke.

🤣 🤣 🤣

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