Oh er Honey ;) .

Leave them and put up a new bird box, They obviously like the local flowers.

Seem friendly enough. Didn't realise I had them until I did the lawn using a strimmer. Had a few buzzing around my head as I virtually underneath box. I just said hello and sorry for disturbing you lot which to have done the trick 🤕
As for next time I'm all prepared
If this is what they are working on then why is each individual being asked to complete an application stating their own history of insurance ? That seems to be a complete waste of time 'cos they have already made up their minds that you are a big risk if you are old or young no matter how you can prove you are a very low risk having many years of clean driving - no claims, no convictions etc.
There's many factors involved. They look at averages and trends depending on groupings. Yer grouped by application detail. Certain vehicles cost more to repair. Depending on damage they know the value as a parts vehicle when written oft. So know typical payout costs. Theres obvious stuff like how often yer choise of vehicle is stolen. Then compare that to location yer live. Garaged cars are safer etc. They then fine tune that to yer individual history. Number of claims. Fault or non fault. Cost of claims.

The reality is insurance companies took some heavy losses over a few years. They have corrected this by putting prices up. Repair work costs more. Parts and labour is higher. Parts shortage means repairs take longer, needing hire cars longer. Rise in minimum wage has effected repairs anorl.

When yer insurance suddenly changes its probably not the insursnce companies fault. Normally the under wrighter has changed. Or their limits have moved. This happens as they stop and start new under wrighting agreements wiv insurance companies. Garage costs gave gone up. Years ago yer repaired a bumper scratch. Filler causes trouble wiv position sensors. So a whole new bumper is fitted. Just one example of higher repair costs. The number of write ofts from peeps driving frew fords has gone up. To the extent the AA breakdown tells peeps they won't turn up. Call yer insurance. Its scrap.
There's many factors involved. They look at averages and trends depending on groupings. Yer grouped by application detail. Certain vehicles cost more to repair. Depending on damage they know the value as a parts vehicle when written oft. So know typical payout costs. Theres obvious stuff like how often yer choise of vehicle is stolen. Then compare that to location yer live. Garaged cars are safer etc. They then fine tune that to yer individual history. Number of claims. Fault or non fault. Cost of claims.

The reality is insurance companies took some heavy losses over a few years. They have corrected this by putting prices up. Repair work costs more. Parts and labour is higher. Parts shortage means repairs take longer, needing hire cars longer. Rise in minimum wage has effected repairs anorl.

When yer insurance suddenly changes its probably not the insursnce companies fault. Normally the under wrighter has changed. Or their limits have moved. This happens as they stop and start new under wrighting agreements wiv insurance companies. Garage costs gave gone up. Years ago yer repaired a bumper scratch. Filler causes trouble wiv position sensors. So a whole new bumper is fitted. Just one example of higher repair costs. The number of write ofts from peeps driving frew fords has gone up. To the extent the AA breakdown tells peeps they won't turn up. Call yer insurance. Its scrap.
But this isn't what was said by the R4 person who you quoted. All the above is true and understandable BUT he said that before they even think about offering insurance they consider the age of the applicant and work from there. That is NOT a level playing field, that seems to be blatent discrimination to my mind.
There's many factors involved. They look at averages and trends depending on groupings. Yer grouped by application detail. Certain vehicles cost more to repair. Depending on damage they know the value as a parts vehicle when written oft. So know typical payout costs. Theres obvious stuff like how often yer choise of vehicle is stolen. Then compare that to location yer live. Garaged cars are safer etc. They then fine tune that to yer individual history. Number of claims. Fault or non fault. Cost of claims.

The reality is insurance companies took some heavy losses over a few years. They have corrected this by putting prices up. Repair work costs more. Parts and labour is higher. Parts shortage means repairs take longer, needing hire cars longer. Rise in minimum wage has effected repairs anorl.

When yer insurance suddenly changes its probably not the insursnce companies fault. Normally the under wrighter has changed. Or their limits have moved. This happens as they stop and start new under wrighting agreements wiv insurance companies. Garage costs gave gone up. Years ago yer repaired a bumper scratch. Filler causes trouble wiv position sensors. So a whole new bumper is fitted. Just one example of higher repair costs. The number of write ofts from peeps driving frew fords has gone up. To the extent the AA breakdown tells peeps they won't turn up. Call yer insurance. Its scrap.
So why does my defender only cost £115.00 over here the parts cost the same . One big ripoff thay need to publish their profit margins
It stopped raining here about lunchtime.
took W to the docs this arvo to get a scrip for summat for her sinuses that the brit doc forgot to give her when we left.
the Frog doc spent more time worrying about how much she'd have to pay and if she was going to get her money back.
Weird as he saw us last year and you would have thought he would have remembered how it works with us Brits!
Then back for Champagne, dins cooked by yours truly, and she is off to bed now.
Lunch out tomoz.
She has also been scoping out the auction in Ringwood for jewellery, nothing new there! But I will be contributing if she wins summat, and that'll be her buthuthday pressie!
Hens slowly settling in. Had to catch the stroppy one and put her into the hut tonight, she tried to run throught the netting!

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