Just for fun...

'Ere is the cake wot I made and decorated!

Tastes great especially seeing as how it has to be all gluten free.
Neither W nor I can remember me ever making a cake before, even before we met. So doubly chuffed.;);)

The hens have landed, one stroppy one that tried to peck me as I took it out of the box, the other three responded well to a little hug and a stroke.

And yes that is a reflection of an empty wine bott in the work surface, it isn't ghost wine!!🤣🤣🤣

Have a good day folks!!:):):)
Just for fun...

'Ere is the cake wot I made and decorated!
View attachment 317112

Tastes great especially seeing as how it has to be all gluten free.
Neither W nor I can remember me ever making a cake before, even before we met. So doubly chuffed.;);)

The hens have landed, one stroppy one that tried to peck me as I took it out of the box, the other three responded well to a little hug and a stroke.

And yes that is a reflection of an empty wine bott in the work surface, it isn't ghost wine!!🤣🤣🤣

Have a good day folks!!:):):)

Cake looks nice well done. :):)
Have you noticed the fuel pump scam, so when yer fill up most if not all go the the nearest pound so 10/20/30/40 ect
so yer get to say £39.99 & it never goes to 40 it always goes over by a penny so they are bumping us out a penny every time.
Ive started stopping at random numbers & the teller always gives me a funny look. 🤣🤣

Me too and it's a fun game ...
My Wife's renewal has just come through. Up by 42% from £292 to £417. No claims have been made no accidents etc. etc.
Why? Well we think it is because her 70th birthday will occur in this years insurance term. Blatant ageism.
Someone from the insurance industry over viewer was on r4 talking about this earlier this year. Young and old peeps tend to make more claims. Hence cost goes up as its a reflection on risk of having to pay oot. It was asked about discrimination. Tis a statisticle fact so it ain't.
..that I am disappointed that once again HMRC has deducted too much tax from my income this past year.
I have 3 pensions & State pension.
After allowances and xfer of allowance from Wifey I am under the higher tax (40%) bracket.
But HMRC have managed to see to it that I have paid £196.86 too much income tax.
It's not complicated, all of it is schoolboy maths at most.
But there is no easy route to getting your money back it seems.
They ignore letters and they answer the phone with IVR systems and just have you hanging on the line forever (at your expense).
Imagine if they had millions of punters all overcharged £200 P.A. that would certainly pay for a decent Xmas do, wouldn't it? ;)
Does yer hafter do a yearly tax return to claim it back?
Just for fun...

'Ere is the cake wot I made and decorated!
View attachment 317112

Tastes great especially seeing as how it has to be all gluten free.
Neither W nor I can remember me ever making a cake before, even before we met. So doubly chuffed.;);)

The hens have landed, one stroppy one that tried to peck me as I took it out of the box, the other three responded well to a little hug and a stroke.

And yes that is a reflection of an empty wine bott in the work surface, it isn't ghost wine!!🤣🤣🤣

Have a good day folks!!:):):)
That looks rather tasty, well done :).

Have you noticed the fuel pump scam, so when yer fill up most if not all go the the nearest pound so 10/20/30/40 ect
so yer get to say £39.99 & it never goes to 40 it always goes over by a penny so they are bumping us out a penny every time.
Ive started stopping at random numbers & the teller always gives me a funny look. 🤣🤣
We have some pumps here that you can prog in 10/20/up to 100 (maybe more) and they stop on that amount.

Someone from the insurance industry over viewer was on r4 talking about this earlier this year. Young and old peeps tend to make more claims. Hence cost goes up as its a reflection on risk of having to pay oot. It was asked about discrimination. Tis a statisticle fact so it ain't.
If this is what they are working on then why is each individual being asked to complete an application stating their own history of insurance ? That seems to be a complete waste of time 'cos they have already made up their minds that you are a big risk if you are old or young no matter how you can prove you are a very low risk having many years of clean driving - no claims, no convictions etc.

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