Yer I was thinking this as well, its only a few weeks ago that I had antibiotics I thought it had cleared up as I felt great last week.
Trouble is if one person in the yard gets somit then we all get it & we all have breaks at the same time. Loads of people here are
coughing n snottering think it was better when everyone was wearing masks.
Antibiotics will only kill a bacterial infection and colds etc are viral so that won't help.Although if you take em for a viral infection it seems to clear it up for a short while, then in comes back. Doctors with balls, metaphorical or otherwise, will explain this to their patients, the rest chicken out and prescribe them when they shouldn't which makes them weeaker as all sorts of bacterial infections get used to them and become antibiotic resistant.
There ought to be a massive govt campaign to tell peeps to accept having a cold/flu/chest infection as part of everyday life.
Take lots of fluids, keep warm and rest up is the only cure.

Although I prescribe whisky or rum toddies as well, rum, honey,. hot water and a good kip!
If you don't use it right you will think like that.
When I worked professionally on Satdi nights washing up in a restaurant, I was working my nads off, the guy who did it the rest of the week (when I was the barman) used to spend a lot of the time just leaning against the sink, smoking. He was younger than me and I was only 17.
I got so annoyed I asked him how he managed to do it so easily, he simply said "use the machines". We had two dishwashers that looked like ornery ones was they was pro ones and could do a cycle in 10 minutes. He loaded them differently got loads more in than I did and wasn't afraid to interrupt the cycle if a waiter was screaming for a serving dish or something.
We aren't afraid to let the dirty dishes and pans pile up, we load it when there is obviously enough to be done, you have to be OK with having dirty crocks on the draining board etc. But it washes them better than you can by hand cos it uses much hotter watter and more aggressive detergent. But if you want to eat a meal and then have a clear worktop well, you could do it if you always put the dirties in the dishwasher, but if not....

We hated it when ours was out of action.

The only other time we use it is after BBQs but mostly we use paper plates ect & chuck the lot & have minimal cleaning up.
Just remembered I need to get my pressure washer out to clean the BBQ 🤣🤣
Antibiotics will only kill a bacterial infection and colds etc are viral so that won't help.Although if you take em for a viral infection it seems to clear it up for a short while, then in comes back. Doctors with balls, metaphorical or otherwise, will explain this to their patients, the rest chicken out and prescribe them when they shouldn't which makes them weeaker as all sorts of bacterial infections get used to them and become antibiotic resistant.
There ought to be a massive govt campaign to tell peeps to accept having a cold/flu/chest infection as part of everyday life.
Take lots of fluids, keep warm and rest up is the only cure.

Although I prescribe whisky or rum toddies as well, rum, honey,. hot water and a good kip!

Ok I'll have a double please. :p
Poop! I was hoping you could give me a heads up or two about the wretched things. :(:(

Ive got all dewalt gear I was thinking of getting Milwaukie as ive now had 3 batteries go missing over the last couple of
months. I did have 10 in the back of my van all charged most of the time & everyone knows this. I did tell peeps not to
take anything out my van without asking or it would be that last thing they took. Ive started leaving my battery stuff
at home. Im the only one in the yard who has the snap on battery tools set up too now thats a fortune to replace.
Anytime ma fren! Help yourself!! 🤣

One coming right up sir..
Ive got all dewalt gear I was thinking of getting Milwaukie as ive now had 3 batteries go missing over the last couple of
months. I did have 10 in the back of my van all charged most of the time & everyone knows this. I did tell peeps not to
take anything out my van without asking or it would be that last thing they took. Ive started leaving my battery stuff
at home. Im the only one in the yard who has the snap on battery tools set up too now thats a fortune to replace.
My only Ryobi stuff is two weedwhacker things, although the last, 2 stroke one, will also drive an extension pole with a chainsaw on the end, when it's flipping working.
W showed me an ad today in a flyer she picked up in Leclerc for a whole system, weedwhacker, hedge trimmer, chainsaw and extension, etc etc all for about €150.
It'll prolly be pants but if it works for a while, why not? Tempted!
Your van reminds me of when I was delivering wine around London as a student in the hols. I had to lock the van up every second I wasn't actually in it. You work with a right load of tea-leafs! :(
The only other time we use it is after BBQs but mostly we use paper plates ect & chuck the lot & have minimal cleaning up.
Just remembered I need to get my pressure washer out to clean the BBQ 🤣🤣
When I was a student in Devon I once had a party at the house I shared right out in the sticks.
We knew we didn't have enough crocks etc so we told everyone to turn up with a knife, fork, spoon plate and bowl!
A good friend of mine cooked up a brilliant, massive spag bol, we all had a great time. (She was married to an Italian and had lived there for years.)
You can get away with that when you are students.
Nowadays our biggest regret is that you cannot put crystal glassware in the DW!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
My only Ryobi stuff is two weedwhacker things, although the last, 2 stroke one, will also drive an extension pole with a chainsaw on the end, when it's flipping working.
W showed me an ad today in a flyer she picked up in Leclerc for a whole system, weedwhacker, hedge trimmer, chainsaw and extension, etc etc all for about €150.
It'll prolly be pants but if it works for a while, why not? Tempted!
Your van reminds me of when I was delivering wine around London as a student in the hols. I had to lock the van up every second I wasn't actually in it. You work with a right load of tea-leafs! :(

Only one lad I know who would take stuff the others just dont give a toss cause its not theres, so just leave it where they were
working then forget where they put stuff. If it was theres they would remember all right. Now I just say nope go & buy your own
or do as I done for years & done stuff by hand. I say you dont get arms like mine if you use power tools 🤣 🤣
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My only Ryobi stuff is two weedwhacker things, although the last, 2 stroke one, will also drive an extension pole with a chainsaw on the end, when it's flipping working.
W showed me an ad today in a flyer she picked up in Leclerc for a whole system, weedwhacker, hedge trimmer, chainsaw and extension, etc etc all for about €150.
It'll prolly be pants but if it works for a while, why not? Tempted!
Your van reminds me of when I was delivering wine around London as a student in the hols. I had to lock the van up every second I wasn't actually in it. You work with a right load of tea-leafs! :(

Think you can buy new carbs for under 15 sovs for most 2 stokes, get one off bgay & if doesnt work send it back. :)
Think you can buy new carbs for under 15 sovs for most 2 stokes, get one off bgay & if doesnt work send it back. :)
I have one in my basket all ready and lined up. It is just the time it takes to get here.
I've got some brake cleaner as I couldn't get carb cleaner, I haven't stripped the carb down as I couldn't see the point without some sort of cleaner. I'll do it now but prepared to see some damage to flexible parts of it, diaphragms etc. .
spent some time today working on the carb.
Took inlet fuel pipe off the tank, separated all the parts, blew through the inlet filter and checked it was passing air, by sucking on it, seemed OK.
Then realised that as the end that went over the barbed connector on the filter had got too wide for me to be able to push it down back into the tank, and there was no way I was going to be able to perform sufficent obstetrics to be able to insert it from inside the tank, was forced to cut a diagonal in the end then one in the tank, cut it square and refit the filter with its retaining spring. (the filter end was too narrow to be able to put on the pipes into the carb.) So it is now a fraction short. Nothing wrong with the pipes either. :rolleyes:
Took the carb off, had no carb cleaner but did perform the aforementioned butchery to enable me to alter the tickover:
View attachment 316571
And the L and H jets:
View attachment 316573
View attachment 316574
Not easy to see but the "pacman" V shaped cutouts, which are on all three of these to stop peeps using a screwdriver or other conventional tool, can just about be made out. I made marks on the housing of the L and H jets to remember where the pacman marks were before I started twiddling them.
Then I made up a foam filter from an old washing up scrub.:
View attachment 316575
View attachment 316576

I also made sure the tank cap was breathing properly.

So, put it all back together, put some fool in the tank and tried to start it.
It started straightaway and ran like flip at full throttle, so I adjusted it to where it seemed reasonable.
Backed off the throttle and ....... no....... it still wouldn't idle.
So turned the idle screw up.
No better AND it had flooded so I had to "de-flood" it before it would start again.
Again ran like mad on full throttle, but again..... no tickover.
So wound the tickoever jet a bit to the right to lean it.....
Still wouldn't restart until I de-flooded it.

And still no tickover.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

So not a happy chappy.

Took the exhaust off to look at the spark arrester. Which is basically just a load or wire wool inside it.
Had no blow torch to burn the excess carbon off, had to take the dog to the vets and do some shopping so left it while we did this.

Vet and us had a big chat re the dog, she is still not convinced it (the smell) is her back teeth although agrees she needs to lose 4 molars, :confused::confused::confused: but she is being treated for another problem to do with folds of skin either side of the bottom jaw right near her lips.
So she'll be back for surgery 14th of the month.
So amongst the shopping went to Leclerc Auto, which is like Halfords only with a garage attached. To buy carb cleaner.

Which I couldn't as they don't stock it.:mad:
So off to Bricomarché to buy a blowlamp, which they did stock.:)

And that is the state of play.
Weather been meh!
Hope you all had a good day!:):):)

Is yer frottle spring in the right place ?

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