Slinging it down here and will be doing so for the next while.
When we came back from the shops yesterday we cast a really critical eye over the rendering on the outside of the house. We have galvanised guttering here and it is leaking all over the place. Flipping stuff, peeps tell us this is very common. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
So when it gets dry I'll have to be up ladders with fibreglassing stuff. Yuk!
Am I ever going to get past fixing stuff?

Perhaps I should come out for a couple of weeks & help you fix everything, well after ive done our kitchen or id get strung
up by the bollock :oops: 🤣🤣
Morning all!
Want to get W to help me test to see if I can get a spark. (Yes, I know, should have done this much earlier!) But she being she will "create" a bit before this happens. Before that I'll have to help her fill up her new raised bed with "terreau" (compost to you and me!).
It is holding off raining, just, but we cannot see the mountains. The "météo" says "drizzle till 4 o'clock peeps" Merci M Poisson.
Have a good day folks!:):):)
Couldn't find me nife at wuk yesdi. We has wuked together for many years. Eye were sad to fink eye'd lost him or he'd been taken. May only be an auto retracting carpet nife burrits been reliable and friendly over the years. Gorra nuvva one but it weren't the same. Near the end of the day eye found it where eye fink eye left it on friday. Worra relief.
Morning all!
Want to get W to help me test to see if I can get a spark. (Yes, I know, should have done this much earlier!) But she being she will "create" a bit before this happens. Before that I'll have to help her fill up her new raised bed with "terreau" (compost to you and me!).
It is holding off raining, just, but we cannot see the mountains. The "météo" says "drizzle till 4 o'clock peeps" Merci M Poisson.
Have a good day folks!:):):)
Perhaps with all those motorised devices one of these would help and save W's dainty hands from grime and any shocks? :)

Perhaps with all those motorised devices one of these would help and save W's dainty hands from grime and any shocks? :)
View attachment 316674
As usual you only think about this sort of thing when you need it, which is too late!
I expect I'll manage to find a way of getting the outside of the plug to touch the metal of the motor while yanking on the start cord. But I may not be able to see the relevant part of the plug as the plug lead is insanely short. Which is where she will come in handy!
Well it's not rained, yet!
So the football tournament in the stadium nearly opposite our place has been going on all morning, finishing off with a lunch, obvs.
Seems quiet now. And it has suddenly got very dark, the opposite of wHat Monsieur Poisson told us. (today and tomoz are bank holidays here, and since the second is one day away from the weekend lots of peeps will be "making the bridge" on Friday, I suppose.
As I have yet to go back to playing with the 2 stroke strimmer thing, I have dug out the 4 stroke one which don't work properly either.
(There must be a hidden stroke of masochism in me somewhere.) It will start sort of and run sort of but as soon as I try to get it to pick up, it don't wanna. And it stalls too.
Bit fed up TBH. :(:(:(
Anyway I have nothing to lose by stripping this one's carb down. At least I know that the sparks are there. But I did do that in the past, to no avail.
And I'll blow throught the fuel filter.
Sun now keeps playing hide and seek with us.
Have a good rest of the day folks.:):):)
Well it's not rained, yet!
So the football tournament in the stadium nearly opposite our place has been going on all morning, finishing off with a lunch, obvs.
Seems quiet now. And it has suddenly got very dark, the opposite of wHat Monsieur Poisson told us. (today and tomoz are bank holidays here, and since the second is one day away from the weekend lots of peeps will be "making the bridge" on Friday, I suppose.
As I have yet to go back to playing with the 2 stroke strimmer thing, I have dug out the 4 stroke one which don't work properly either.
(There must be a hidden stroke of masochism in me somewhere.) It will start sort of and run sort of but as soon as I try to get it to pick up, it don't wanna. And it stalls too.
Bit fed up TBH. :(:(:(
Anyway I have nothing to lose by stripping this one's carb down. At least I know that the sparks are there. But I did do that in the past, to no avail.
And I'll blow throught the fuel filter.
Sun now keeps playing hide and seek with us.
Have a good rest of the day folks.:):):)
Does the 2-stroke run if you remove your home-made air-filter?
Would you believe it ??
Trying to set tappets on my little landy Kohlar engine only to find that they are hydraulic lifters 🤔
I'll have to flush the engine and put fresh oil in to see if that solves the noisey tappet problem, it's been stood quite a while so maybe it'll get better with running.
Does the 2-stroke run if you remove your home-made air-filter?
It makes no difference, I have tried it both ways.
The more I read about it all the more I think it needs a new carb, but I have yet to change the plug.
Modern petrol seems to play absolute total havoc with carbs, well small ones, and even carb cleaner seems to only move the problem, not completely dissolve it.
The carbs are both diaphragm ones and I think they may well be past their sell-by.
In fact my old 4 stroke did, for a while, seem to be more prepared to play ball, but it has done far more work in its life then the 2 stroke one. It can sort of be prepared to work for a short while, I did even manage to do a bit of strimming but it didn't last. And it is lumpy as flip when running.
Morning all!
Want to get W to help me test to see if I can get a spark. (Yes, I know, should have done this much earlier!) But she being she will "create" a bit before this happens. Before that I'll have to help her fill up her new raised bed with "terreau" (compost to you and me!).
It is holding off raining, just, but we cannot see the mountains. The "météo" says "drizzle till 4 o'clock peeps" Merci M Poisson.
Have a good day folks!:):):)

Did she manage to jump start you. 🤣 🤣

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