A cotton cloff makes yer nooker balls run fast. Eye assume less friction than the propper fing.

This seems a good reading site ...

Just the one?
Don't you have to put holes in the back of at least one for the waste pipe and the hot n cold pipes to the tap(s)? I've never been able to avoid that. Unless I spose you are having a void behind the cupboards that can take it all and slinging it in and out over the top of the cupboard, or even having the tap(s) over the void too.

The stop cock in our UK kitchen is a real mutha as it comes out of the concrete slab right in the middle of the bottom of the undersink cupboard. Cannot even make room to put elbows on it to send it to the back, up and then back in again. I had to do lots of cutting out and then making up sections to slide back round it/them. Once covered with that shiny aluminium stuff that looks like checker plate it looks OK. Tis the stop cock for the whole house.:(

Integrated diswasher? Aren't they just fun!!!🤣🤣🤣

Dishwashers to me are a waste of time, ours is only used a handful of times a year. If it was up to me id have another set of
drawers in place of it but no she still wants it to clean the all the bits of the cooker. They do come up like new so I give in. 🤣
Evening all, I spent all day yesterday on the couch, felt totally drained sore head/throat coughing up gunk yuk.
Had some parrots eat em all, cough mixture & a few whiskeys, opened a nice Jura single malt done in a rum casket.
Sweating all night & felt a bit better (still went to work)

Watched the great train robbery (the modern one which is two parts)
spent some time today working on the carb.
Took inlet fuel pipe off the tank, separated all the parts, blew through the inlet filter and checked it was passing air, by sucking on it, seemed OK.
Then realised that as the end that went over the barbed connector on the filter had got too wide for me to be able to push it down back into the tank, and there was no way I was going to be able to perform sufficent obstetrics to be able to insert it from inside the tank, was forced to cut a diagonal in the end then one in the tank, cut it square and refit the filter with its retaining spring. (the filter end was too narrow to be able to put on the pipes into the carb.) So it is now a fraction short. Nothing wrong with the pipes either. :rolleyes:
Took the carb off, had no carb cleaner but did perform the aforementioned butchery to enable me to alter the tickover:

And the L and H jets:


Not easy to see but the "pacman" V shaped cutouts, which are on all three of these to stop peeps using a screwdriver or other conventional tool, can just about be made out. I made marks on the housing of the L and H jets to remember where the pacman marks were before I started twiddling them.
Then I made up a foam filter from an old washing up scrub.:


I also made sure the tank cap was breathing properly.

So, put it all back together, put some fool in the tank and tried to start it.
It started straightaway and ran like flip at full throttle, so I adjusted it to where it seemed reasonable.
Backed off the throttle and ....... no....... it still wouldn't idle.
So turned the idle screw up.
No better AND it had flooded so I had to "de-flood" it before it would start again.
Again ran like mad on full throttle, but again..... no tickover.
So wound the tickoever jet a bit to the right to lean it.....
Still wouldn't restart until I de-flooded it.

And still no tickover.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

So not a happy chappy.

Took the exhaust off to look at the spark arrester. Which is basically just a load or wire wool inside it.
Had no blow torch to burn the excess carbon off, had to take the dog to the vets and do some shopping so left it while we did this.

Vet and us had a big chat re the dog, she is still not convinced it (the smell) is her back teeth although agrees she needs to lose 4 molars, :confused::confused::confused: but she is being treated for another problem to do with folds of skin either side of the bottom jaw right near her lips.
So she'll be back for surgery 14th of the month.
So amongst the shopping went to Leclerc Auto, which is like Halfords only with a garage attached. To buy carb cleaner.

Which I couldn't as they don't stock it.:mad:
So off to Bricomarché to buy a blowlamp, which they did stock.:)

And that is the state of play.
Weather been meh!
Hope you all had a good day!:):):)
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A cotton cloff makes yer nooker balls run fast. Eye assume less friction than the propper fing.
I once saw a documentary about how they make the baize for nooker tabuls. It was very inneresting. They actooly use a whole bunch of teasels on a kind of roller thing to raise the nap of the cloth.
So that is why nooker balls go further under the same force in one direction on the table than they do in the other.
But in both directions it'll be slower than if there was no nap.
Dishwashers to me are a waste of time, ours is only used a handful of times a year. If it was up to me id have another set of
drawers in place of it but no she still wants it to clean the all the bits of the cooker. They do come up like new so I give in. 🤣
If you don't use it right you will think like that.
When I worked professionally on Satdi nights washing up in a restaurant, I was working my nads off, the guy who did it the rest of the week (when I was the barman) used to spend a lot of the time just leaning against the sink, smoking. He was younger than me and I was only 17.
I got so annoyed I asked him how he managed to do it so easily, he simply said "use the machines". We had two dishwashers that looked like ornery ones was they was pro ones and could do a cycle in 10 minutes. He loaded them differently got loads more in than I did and wasn't afraid to interrupt the cycle if a waiter was screaming for a serving dish or something.
We aren't afraid to let the dirty dishes and pans pile up, we load it when there is obviously enough to be done, you have to be OK with having dirty crocks on the draining board etc. But it washes them better than you can by hand cos it uses much hotter watter and more aggressive detergent. But if you want to eat a meal and then have a clear worktop well, you could do it if you always put the dirties in the dishwasher, but if not....

We hated it when ours was out of action.
Evening all, I spent all day yesterday on the couch, felt totally drained sore head/throat coughing up gunk yuk.
Had some parrots eat em all, cough mixture & a few whiskeys, opened a nice Jura single malt done in a rum casket.
Sweating all night & felt a bit better (still went to work)

Watched the great train robbery (the modern one which is two parts)
Hope you get better soon, mate! Is it me or do you seem to be suffering with colds etc quite a lot?:(:(:(
Managed to get the Ryobi brushcutter started and running but having trouble persuading it to tickover.
I have only ever done the same thing before storing it, namely to empty all fool out of it, run it until it stops then pull the starter cord a few times.
So tomoz I'll be buying some "Karb clineur" from Leclerc auto, and taykin the blipping thing apart.
Might also blow through the fool filter after filling it with Karb clineur.
Orange warn us there may be storms tonight so we should switch off and disconnect the "live box" from the power and phone connections. But the two nearest weather forecasts show nothing except all night rain.
Enjoy yours dins folks!:):):)

(🥧 4 us!!!)

American 🥧 🤣🤣
But what about the holes for the taps and the waste?

I was getting to that.....the tap pipe work fits in the void at the rear of the units apart from one unit that ive already
cut a notch out to enable the unit to go against the wall. I might have to notch one of the other units to run a new (extended)
feed/drain for the dishwasher. The only other unit I need to put a hole in is the Belfast sink drain. Think thats it probably forgot
somit. :confused:
I was getting to that.....the tap pipe work fits in the void at the rear of the units apart from one unit that ive already
cut a notch out to enable the unit to go against the wall. I might have to notch one of the other units to run a new (extended)
feed/drain for the dishwasher. The only other unit I need to put a hole in is the Belfast sink drain. Think thats it probably forgot
somit. :confused:
Now THAT's more like it!!!
all good fun!
But good on you for having a void you can actually use!
Belfast sinks are deep ain't they? So the wastes are deeper still, which would explain the need for the hole! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Hope you get better soon, mate! Is it me or do you seem to be suffering with colds etc quite a lot?:(:(:(

Yer I was thinking this as well, its only a few weeks ago that I had antibiotics I thought it had cleared up as I felt great last week.
Trouble is if one person in the yard gets somit then we all get it & we all have breaks at the same time. Loads of people here are
coughing n snottering think it was better when everyone was wearing masks.

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