I remember just after decimalisation being given 10p a week pocket money. In those days it was enough for one of those big orange iced lollies. Around a week and a half's pocket money was enough for a Matchbox toy car. Shortly afterwards we moved house yet again and pocket money was suspended, never to be seen again as family finances deteriorated. But there was a brief period of relative wealth in 1971.
Do you mean a "jubly"?

Can barely remember what I spent mine on, it usually went that morning (always a Saturday) in the local sweet shop. Never saved a penny. Although I seem to remember buying sets of toy soldiers, Britain's probably.

By the time decimalisation came along I had been in boarding school for a few years. So pocket money was handed out if you requested it from your housemaster. I never dared ask for much.
I remember overhearing an older lad saying to his mate "I've spent £20 this term and I've done nothing!" I nearly passed out! That was the equivalent of a third of the Exhibition I had won in the scholarship exam! £20 was twice my first weekly wage.
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My stars you were lucky!
Mine started as a threepenny bit, then a tanner, then a bob, then went all the way up to the dizzying heights of a florin.

Maybe that is why I am so tight! 🤔🤔🤔
Mine started out as tuppence then about five years later it went up to a tanner. Upon the death of my father I did far more jobs for my mum and it reached the dizzy heights of one and sixpence - I thought I was rich!:rolleyes:
Do you mean a "jubly"?

Can barely remember what I spent mine on, it usually went that morning (always a Saturday) in the local sweet shop. Never saved a penny. Although I seem to remember buying sets of toy soldiers, Britain's probably.

By the time decimalisation came along I had been in boarding school for a few years. So pocket money was handed out if you requested it from your housemaster. I never dared ask for much.
I remember overhearing an older lad saying to his mate "I've spent £20 this term and I've done nothing!" I nearly passed out! That was the equivalent of a third of the Exhibition I had won in the scholarship exam! £20 was twice my first weekly wage.
That was just over half of my monthly teachers salary in 1965
...today I have painted some Zinser coverup paint on an area of that wall where there is a timber bearer and the pitch pine "pitch" keeps burning through and yellowing the white paint. That was this morning and this afternoon I moved mess around in my garage and managed to find a parking place for the new delta trike; then I got the tadpole trike out of my shed an unfolded it and built it and put the batteries etc. on and off it goes. The wonder is that like the ugly sister said after she cut her toes off to fit the glass slipper on her hoof "It fits". :D
So now I can get prepped for Holland 2024 (the tadpole) and also use the Delta trike for simple day-rides.

Lad in the yards birthday today & his GF got a massive banner made up with pics of him when he was a wee lad haha
Him wearing a bra for a laugh ect 🤣🤣
I had made plans with her to meet up & put it on the fence on the way into the yard, she phoned me on the
way here & said all the leccy in the car has died, she had no lights after this was after 10pm so it was pitch black here.
I met her down the road & we went to put the banner up but the car died when we putting it up 🤣 🤣
We were in fits of laughter & he was in his caravan just inside the gate so didnt want to get busted I had to flee out of site
but I was wearing a high vis jacket & there was some traffic passing so I lit up like a firework 🤣🤣

She called him & he pushed the car into the yard but didnt see the banner.
Then first thing the lads said to me the lads GF car had a smashed window & it was at the top of the yard (me half wakened)
said na the alternator is goosed & the window was half down. oooopppps Then it came....how does Kev know if it happened
late last night & no-one knows about it 🤣🤣🤣

His face when he seen it & he knew I was involved haha
That was just over half of my monthly teachers salary in 1965
Apparently when I was born in 1955 my father, a part trained accountant earned £8 a week and my mother a fully qualified doctor, was on £16 a week.
My first full time job in 1972 I earned £10 a week before stoppages for NI. So ten years after you were earning less than £40 a month I was earning only a bit more!
Mind I hadn't done a degree or other qualification!
According to Hansard, in 1972 average teachers monthly pay was £171, or £39.50 a week roughly.
According to Mrs Thatcher who gave this hilarious response to a question concerning teacher's pay!
Removed a tic from the male k9 tonight orrible little fings. Yer the tic's..
Since we've arrived I have removed 3 ticks from our hanimals and seen 3 or 4 lying on the floor. The worrying one was the one with an "I'm full" sign on his chops.
We are off to see the vet soon to arrange for the one with whom we had all the problems to have her teeth out, the dodgy ones, and to pick up some of those flipping expensive flea and tick treatment tabs that'll cover them for 3 months.
Seems to be worse since I cut the "grass".:confused::confused::confused:
Since we've arrived I have removed 3 ticks from our hanimals and seen 3 or 4 lying on the floor. The worrying one was the one with an "I'm full" sign on his chops.
We are off to see the vet soon to arrange for the one with whom we had all the problems to have her teeth out, the dodgy ones, and to pick up some of those flipping expensive flea and tick treatment tabs that'll cover them for 3 months.
Seems to be worse since I cut the "grass".:confused::confused::confused:

My mate was talking about they tabs he's 50 squids a month for his cats n dogs. :oops:
Lad in the yards birthday today & his GF got a massive banner made up with pics of him when he was a wee lad haha
Him wearing a bra for a laugh ect 🤣🤣
I had made plans with her to meet up & put it on the fence on the way into the yard, she phoned me on the
way here & said all the leccy in the car has died, she had no lights after this was after 10pm so it was pitch black here.
I met her down the road & we went to put the banner up but the car died when we putting it up 🤣 🤣
We were in fits of laughter & he was in his caravan just inside the gate so didnt want to get busted I had to flee out of site
but I was wearing a high vis jacket & there was some traffic passing so I lit up like a firework 🤣🤣

She called him & he pushed the car into the yard but didnt see the banner.
Then first thing the lads said to me the lads GF car had a smashed window & it was at the top of the yard (me half wakened)
said na the alternator is goosed & the window was half down. oooopppps Then it came....how does Kev know if it happened
late last night & no-one knows about it 🤣🤣🤣

His face when he seen it & he knew I was involved haha
Truly there is nothing like making your own entertainment!!🤣🤣🤣

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