Pleased to announce that the dishwasher, after extensive testing and cleaning, has finally got over its upset at being turned upside down and is now working like it did when we fust got it! So I'll be re-encasing it today, finding noo clips to hold the kickboard on etc.

Dutch mate will be back Thursdi, minus wife as she will be having a cataract done back in Holland, so he'll be experiencing a propah Sunday lunch this weekend coming.

Enjoy your days folks!:):):)
... I put a second coat of paint on that wall and it is even better now! :)
Mowed the lawn with my new mower, and found a potentially dangerous problem with the thing. :(

When you engage the self propel function it jams "on" because the control bars have been made wrongly and foul one another.
So even if you let go of the "go button" its jammed on and the mower races away off down the garden (well, it would if you have the OPC lever tied shut like I do). But the issue is the self-propel engagement mech jams against the OPC bar and will not return of its own accord unless you forcibly pull it back over the other bar.

So I pulled the control bar off/out and it met Mr. Angry-grinder and now it fits properly and doesn't foul on the OPC bar.

Works fine now, although the clutch is a bit harsh and the speed a bit high (unadjustable apparently).
You do a very good job on them. Ours are god knows what wood, prolly pine, and I have only repainted bits of them once since we got the house in 2008. The faded patina type look is pretty cool, but I take my hat off to you as being someone who does a proper job!
I do cheat I take them down and prep them then hang them up and spray them and then rehang them when dry
Me sheppurds pie was a success. Beef mince. 2 unyuns. 2 carruts. Two hand fulls of pea's. 3 oxo cubes. 1L of water. Tomartoe puree. And me mash. Spuds. Butter. Milk. Made 6 up in utterly butterly tubs. Frozen solid int freezer for anuvva day. Eye ate the left overs.

Mince cooked first int microwave to get the water and fat oot. Them moved to me big slow cookerer with other ingredients. Mash done in me smaller slow cookerer. Next time eye will swop the cookerers round as the spuds took twice the time to cook and eye run oot of mash. It were full.

Mince were 6.5 sovs so eye fink the cost of ingredients comes in at 10 sovs or just under, at a logical finking guess.
Only one problem thay is cottage pies
Local CoOp has been ram-raided overnight for all its fags & booze. :(
The bad lads in Linkinshirshire and surrounding counties nick a JCB or a tele handler and rip the cash machines out of the co-ops, load it into a stolen pick up and make off with it. When they built our local branch they put the cash machine well inside the building, away from the outside walls. So the bad lads just waited for the security van to turn up and armed robbed the cash, made off in a stolen car and torched it less than a 100 yards from the shop. Had to go to the next village to get me cash that day.
Morning all.
We've had a lot of rain overnight although it is just about NOT doing so now - I hope yours is doing better. Wishing everybody a calm and rewarding day.

Horrible this morning high south winds & pouring but settled down after 2ish which was good as we launched
4 floating caravans, then I brought a brand new fast fishing boat in but not before going for a wee blast in it. (quietly sniggering) :cool:
Me sheppurds pie was a success. Beef mince. 2 unyuns. 2 carruts. Two hand fulls of pea's. 3 oxo cubes. 1L of water. Tomartoe puree. And me mash. Spuds. Butter. Milk. Made 6 up in utterly butterly tubs. Frozen solid int freezer for anuvva day. Eye ate the left overs.

Mince cooked first int microwave to get the water and fat oot. Them moved to me big slow cookerer with other ingredients. Mash done in me smaller slow cookerer. Next time eye will swop the cookerers round as the spuds took twice the time to cook and eye run oot of mash. It were full.

Mince were 6.5 sovs so eye fink the cost of ingredients comes in at 10 sovs or just under, at a logical finking guess.
Desided to hand sand me nooker woodern rails last night. Gottid 4 done. Nice un smooth. 2 to go. Its cheap square edge timber. Used me hand sander fing that has a handle holding a pad with sand paper secured. Finished at 10pm fanks to me flood light. Not making much noise so it were ok. Could hear the foxes yappin as they were searching peeps gardens. They stayed oot of mine.

Yesdi when eye had me belt sander running clamped to me wuk mate me back were to me burd feeder. Burds were landing on me garage and checking fings oot. Half then used me burd feeder until eye looked round and they flow'd oft.

Where's the progress pics of the nooker table. :(

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