Still coming down from yesterday's fury at trying to get to the bottom of why my chainsaw peas chain oil out as fast as I fill it.
It has always been a bit leaky, as many are, but this was ridiculous, it wasn't holding any.

So tried to strip it down to get to the tank, pipe, seals etc.
(Chain oil is even worse than ATF, SO yuk to work with, gets everywhere and has to continually be cleaned up and off hands, tools worksurface etc.)

Well of course the whole thing was a voyage of discovery. To undo one screw in a panel which may or may not have been covering the tank, I had to remove half of the handle where the trigger and it's safety lock are. And that is where the fun started. A spring and how to fit it to the safety lock wasn't obvious. Of course it sprang out as soon as I very carefully took the two halves apart. Flipped about for ages and ages trying to figure out how to make it work and put it back together. It was not obvious at all.
When "ping" the spring shot off into the wild blue yonder.
Yes I was working outside, no way I could do a dirty job like that inside, no proper workshop with good light as we are so short of room. The spring is about 3 inches long, not a coil spring just a thin spring wire, and it is black. and the weeds nearby haven't been cut so they are about 2 foot high.
No chance of finding it.
Titan TTL632CHN if anyone is interested or knows what I am on about.
So cheap I will prolly end up buying another. No one over here is likely to fix it for much less than the price of a noo one. This seems to be the country where I am forever having to fix things I know nothing much about.
A shame as it is a good machine when working, Easy to work on as regards the chain, sharpening etc, starts very easily and cuts well.
For the mo I am just going to rely on pouring a bit of chain oil onto the chain and bar from time to time, but that is not ideal, won't be doing the bar any good and will make any job take far more time. Wouldn't be so bothered except it is still very cold here in the evenings and we need the logs cut to burn.
Anyway, have a nice sunday peeps!!