Me too! Luckily I still am under the 40% tax bracket but the scandalous "Fiscal Drag" policy is eating into my available dosh.
We're all in the same boat I reckon. Keep trying to convince myself that because the guvmint gave me tax relief on my pension contributions and the company put some in too, its only fair that the taxman dips his fingers in my till. But still think of them as the State Theft Department.
Oh dear that don't sound good.

Had a Scots girlfriend once, when I lived in Poole. (I think she came from the East coast, but not sure.)
Anyway she had a brother in the army back a longish ways now, 70s mebbe. He finished a tour in NI and was coming back with his regiment on an aircraft carrier(?). They were told not to go walking around on certain decks. Well a few did, he was one of them, and he was lost overboard. So no body, nuffin. Really sad. 😥

So hope he has just gone AWOL wiv sum burd and eventually turns up. 🤞🤞🤞
Wot was the reason for not going on certain decks?
Washer finished. Smelled nice but when eye rubbed me paw on the metal drum it had little blobs of gray bits onnit so eye set it to 30 min wash cycle wiv washing piwder in. Fort it best to givvit a wash oot while the muck were loose and wet. Did the trick. Even pulled the filter oot to clean it. Nowt innit. Me washer asked iffit were is burfday. After using it eye normally take the plug oot the hose by the filter and drain arf a litre oot. That had bits innit but not many second time round so eye washed me clothes innit and they came oot ok.
Washer finished. Smelled nice but when eye rubbed me paw on the metal drum it had little blobs of gray bits onnit so eye set it to 30 min wash cycle wiv washing piwder in. Fort it best to givvit a wash oot while the muck were loose and wet. Did the trick. Even pulled the filter oot to clean it. Nowt innit. Me washer asked iffit were is burfday. After using it eye normally take the plug oot the hose by the filter and drain arf a litre oot. That had bits innit but not many second time round so eye washed me clothes innit and they came oot ok.
Our experience has been that the little sac-like capsules with clothes-washing detergent in do not properly dissolve and over time they form a slimy residue in the door rubber and all over the lower half of the door glass. We switched to dissolvable tablets and the problem went away. :)
Our experience has been that the little sac-like capsules with clothes-washing detergent in do not properly dissolve and over time they form a slimy residue in the door rubber and all over the lower half of the door glass. We switched to dissolvable tablets and the problem went away. :)
Not that I often contribute much to clothes washing things, we use liquid, bought in Frogland as it is cheaper and better, it is also hypoallergenik which is good as W gets reactions to other detergents. Comes in huge sachets which you pour into the one solid plastic bottle that you kept. And it smells better n than the other stuff which to me smells like drains or Patchouli oil or some such rubbish.
We cannot remember when we last used powder and we have never used any dissolvable thingys.
Non-allergenic stuff in Frogland is as cheap as stuff for peeps with no problems which is fair and totally opposite to the UK where you have to pay for having allergies. :(
Our experience has been that the little sac-like capsules with clothes-washing detergent in do not properly dissolve and over time they form a slimy residue in the door rubber and all over the lower half of the door glass. We switched to dissolvable tablets and the problem went away. :)
Eye use normal powder. Wuk cleaners were told to use capsules for fings like surface cleaner. Put capsule and water in a sprayer and shake. Had the same problem as you. Capsule case din't fully melt. It would block the spray nozzle.

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