Cycling near our new mesa top home is heaven.
Got me room cleared enuff to put me table int middle. Shunted me 8x4 about int hall to turn it to me room. Was carrying it on me own wiv me carrier. Cant lift it high enuff so balanced on me leg so eye could drop the carrier and get me paws under it. Gottid it up onto the table then wobbled it about to turn it 90 degrees so parallel to me table. Knew which side were going to be top burrit looked bent. Eye had put me meter rule back int kitchen. Dilemma. It were balancing nicely onnits own on the long edge. Stood back and it stayed. Fort me moving may move the air and wobble it causing it to fall. Stepped back some more. It were still standing ont edge. Stood un watched it. Fort eye'd rush to the kitchen un back...

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