Well by chance the neebs sent me an hemail on other stuff, I told them the score and they came back on again, all sheepeish and embarrassed, agreeing that they should have discussed it and .....
wait for it.......
an apology! (Shock Horror).
So maybe one day relations will be resumed.
The explanation they gave was that they were worried about the weeping willow rubbing against "dead trees" and they thought it would appreciate the light.
So a pile of bullpoop, but at least it didn't fire up a full on row.
W still not happy though.
Plus we are having the devil's own job paying for the blasted pork products. RBS refuses point blank to send any bank transfers overseas, our French bank account won't take phonecalls after midday and online banking with them tells me that my account is not of sufficient ...whatever... to be able to make transfers.
So I have had to grovel, apologise and ask them to send us a PayPal invoice or accept a cheque, or a payment over the phone by debit or credit card. They seem to be super-busy at the moment. So still awaiting delivery and an answer to the last 3 emails.
Just heard that son and family are descending on us next week. He is worried about his mum, understandably, as she really is not well, so they will have to take us as they find us.
Still sun is shining!
Have a good rest of the day folks!