Evening..Who says “cycling” is good for you?
Off to pick the gravel out my hand,shoulder,arm & leg.

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Dog on a flexi lead. I shouted she stopped & let the dog wander into the cycle lane.
Looks like one of those occasions when a warning bell from a distance back might have been a good idea. I hope she was suitably sympathetic. Having no experience of cycling tracks, I have to ask if they are dedicated lanes for cyclists or are they meant to be used by pedestrians (and their dogs) as well?
Dog on a flexi lead. I shouted she stopped & let the dog wander into the cycle lane.

Flex leads should be banned that’s a lazy Way to exercise a dog and proves no control of the dog.

I am sure you were more concerned about hitting the dog, instead of just bumping over the little rat ( guessing it was a small yappey thing)

Hope you haven’t laddered your Lycra:p.

Cycle path & ped path only separated with a white line.
I ding my bell. It’s always no use they are zombie walking(music,ear plugs staring at the phone) I do shout & have been known to squirt my water bottle in their direction.

Going to ring my mom... need some love.
(Mrs will laugh then poke it to see if it’s real & LZ don’t like Lycra lovers)
Flex leads should be banned that’s a lazy Way to exercise a dog and proves no control of the dog.J
I have to agree about the lack of control but I wouldn't like to see them banned as I find mine useful on occasions, especially when on an open country walk where the tree stumps and rocks suddenly turn into sheep!! I wouldn't like to say I can instantly close-control the canines but I can stop them from indulging in their natural habit of giving chase and rounding the sheep up!
It is not the dogs' fault, it's the owners - horses for courses. I live with sheep close-in on three of my boundaries and the dogs are very good and ignore them, probably because they know we are always watching them, but, out in the freedom of the open country then all's fair 'in love and war' as far as they are concerned!
Town and city walks need short leads!
I can totally understand what you say there too.
Our boy will bark at all the animals that come into the paddock except horses, but when we go for a walk around the village he will not bother or chase anything. In his case I guess it’s a territory thing when he’s on “his”
About the only thing he would go for was cat,hares, squirrel and yes there was no stopping once he had gone, if we were really quick on a command he wouldn’t. (Now we have 2 cats inherited from friends) and he has got used to them now I think.

We don’t walk on a lead around the village.


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