I am finding the Highway Code boring.
Why do I need to know what a tram sign is?
I’m not using/catching or seen a tram near here.

Good night
I am sure road roller and milk floats is on us old timers license too :D

But hey fair play brother in-law did his big boys license couple of years ago and he’s doing well and enjoying it.

Jeremy Kyle cancelled, thank fonk for that.
Review of 'reality' programming. Huzzah!
Any chance of realising what a rancid, nasty, snide world we live in?

Not so sure :oops:

Fuggers won't get me down mind you.
Love you guys! :D
Program talked of there being around 30 million ogg's. Now thought ter be down ter 1 million.
Gid moanin orl
Eyes bin awokeded fer ours coz mutts dint wanna letters snoozums
Onter 1/60th minit (sekkend) broo ot deigh, swaneeds ter putkekkelon
Sfiurzdi turdi swavva guddun ann doughnt bernint son.
Sneely tweak hend agin
Gid moanin orl
Eyes bin awokeded fer ours coz mutts dint wanna letters snoozums
Onter 1/60th minit (sekkend) broo ot deigh, swaneeds ter putkekkelon
Sfiurzdi turdi swavva guddun ann doughnt bernint son.
Sneely tweak hend agin

I am heartened to know that I am not the only one being made to de-pit by the dogs who consider sunny hours in bed as a total waste of playing time.
Waiting for medical confirmation then taking
Rigid(class 2) lorry licence. Figured out I can’t work with idiots(people)
I can earn more money & see the mrs less so sounds a win-win to me :eek:
Work nights if you want to see your missus less, I next see mine on saturday even though at some points between then we'll be under the same roof:(
I think it's virtually impossible to fail a HGV medical, especially when you see how fat and unhealthy some drivers are. A bloke I used to work with thought a healthy diet meant more salad on his kebab:D and yes he's proper fat, his missus was colossal and his stepson was a right porker.

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