Eye be sat int winda wotchin me garden grow int it started ter rain. Din't even cover slabs un it stopped. So left me meal wurms oot un it tried ter rain like that tu more times. Eye be wotched er bobbin eated me wurms. It will only came once. Eye fink it were a bobbin but the little ones all look the same ter me. Leaves ont me trees be growin. Int trees clever.
Eye be sat int winda wotchin me garden grow int it started ter rain. Din't even cover slabs un it stopped. So left me meal wurms oot un it tried ter rain like that tu more times. Eye be wotched er bobbin eated me wurms. It will only came once. Eye fink it were a bobbin but the little ones all look the same ter me. Leaves ont me trees be growin. Int trees clever.

Yup, they remembubber where they all go ....
Ere @Turktowner, time ferra poo date. Tis an update ont poo. Av yer found anymore or have they travelled oft?

well thanks for askin, but your first line had me a trifle concerned, we haven't even met! :D
Anyway, the filthy durdy Fuggers also left a pile outside the outfit opposite on wensdi mornin!
They was served that afternoon and were gone by the time I arrived yesdi. Anti-social cnuts.
Rained ere anorl in the artnoon. Wot izzit wif the wevver daemons ere? Izzit writ somewhere 'after five days of sunshine thou shalt have a crappy weekend'?
It haster rain to raise grass for the lawnmower industry. Otherwise it would put a lotta peeps outa work. To make rain all they have to do is stick a few cricket stumps in a field, works every time. And think of the damage it would do to umbrella makers if there was no rain.

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