Arternoon all.
Mizzling here again.
Actooly doin a bit of DIY today.
(Keeps W happy) she's off to sewing while I also have to go to the dump and get rid of two old tarps and a car cover, then back to Scroooficks to pick up two new tarps.
When I took the one off the 300tdi Anniversary D1 I gave it more of a look over than I usually do.
There is rust on the A pillar just about at the level of the bottom of the window on the nearside. I say "rust on" more it's riddled with it. Don't remember there ever being any there before, came as something of a shock.
If I ever get around to doing it up, that plus another bit I found will make the whole job more complex. Already have to do at least one sill.
I felt like Fuzz from Car SOS looking at the latest job.
I also am a bit ashamed to admit that one side, the north facing side, of the D2, i.e. the runner that we use quite a bit, has mildew, or is it mould? The greeny yellow stuff, sitting on top of the plastic wheel arch covers and along the edges of the plastic trim below the side windows. one the paint there as well. Does anyone know how you get it off?
I've just ignored it as I only noticed it last year. It doesn't look as easy to remove as I hoped. Maybe I am just fretting.
You can tell I never wash a car.
I use bleach to get it off the box trailer!
Anyway, enjoy your days folks!

Tarps are no good to cover up motors as they dont breath & the hold moisture its better to have them uncovered so they air.
Now these discos are getting near the free mark 🤣 🤣
I have the one that goes:
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

And ----

Just had a good laugh!
Watching a recorded prog "dream car fixers" or summat.
Two guys promise to buy and fix a classic car for a set sum, (which in the two I have seen so far guarantees they only make peanuts)
This time it was a Triumph Herald.
The diff was leaking.
They looked all worried about getting it out and the transverse rear spring "exploding" upwards when they released the mounting plate. They mucked about with longer studs etc, etc. They finally had it up on a ramp with a proper gearbox jack, and it took two of them to lift it down, on the jack.

W had a Triumph Herald based kit car. It came with a spare diff, good thing as the one on the car split with a bang.
Changed it on the garage floor, don't remember doing much more than jacking it up, maybe not even that. One of the easiest jobs I've ever done on a car.

Then they struggled like flip to get it back in!
Only they didn't because when it came out it had oil all over it, so instead of taking the seals etc out and replacing them they sent if off and got a reconned one, at £430 odd! :eek: :eek: :eek:.
So the one they put back in that they struggled with, was a nice clean one.

Sometimes these car progs give you a right giggle!

Night all!:):):)

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