Mornin peeps.
Our local radio station is being absorbed by 'Hits Radio'. No more current music, we lose talented local Deejays but get Simon Mayo, Ken Bruce and other Radio 2 cast offs instead. (Dull).
Same in Cornwall, Pirate FM is going anorl.. ☚ī¸
Eye has seen the same happen. Smaller stations grouped up with others. At certain times of the week they all play the same music. Plumbed in together to save costs. Fink its the only way they can survive wiv changes to advertising demand moving to the web.
This is the state of play at 11:45 today.
Bish-Bosh, hole in wall.
I am wondering what the porpoise of that single acroprop is, with its tiny spreader plate on your nice clean ceiling?
Did they hang their laser level off it? ;)

EDIT, TBH it don't even look like an acroprop more like a summat-else prop. Don't look like it could hold much weight.
I bought a pair of those some years ago, to hang a dust sheet from the ceiling to the floor as containment when I knocked a hole in a wall to put a new doorway into me kiching. Very useful light weight props, one is in the back of me landy right now, was using it at me dottir's to support some big tiles on a window lintel soffit. Just off to move it back into the garage -----
Mornin peeps.
Our local radio station is being absorbed by 'Hits Radio'. No more current music, we lose talented local Deejays but get Simon Mayo, Ken Bruce and other Radio 2 cast offs instead. (Dull).
Same in Cornwall, Pirate FM is going anorl.. ☚ī¸
Pirate FM is going arrgh, Jim lad!! đŸ¤Ŗ đŸ¤Ŗ đŸ¤Ŗ

(Sorry couldn't resist the joke, but in all seriousness, it isn't funny!:(:(:(:(
I bought a pair of those some years ago, to hang a dust sheet from the ceiling to the floor as containment when I knocked a hole in a wall to put a new doorway into me kiching. Very useful light weight props, one is in the back of me landy right now, was using it at me dottir's to support some big tiles on a window lintel soffit. Just off to move it back into the garage -----
I have a pair too, TBH they have never left their box, I was gonna use 'em to help me hang a very heavy cupboard on the kiching wall, but somehow managed without.
i think it might be nice if they made a wider range of sizes. I couldn't find ones that would come in range for me to use, So I'd have had to improvise, probably too much and therefore a bit dangerously, so I just used brute force and ignorance and obviously it paid off!

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