Managed to get out and took the screws out of the rear panel on the Pluriel's hatch, hoping it would then just fall off.
Well, it didn't but I could pull it away to havea bit of a look see at the "works". Having done tjhis it suddenly started clicking and whirring the way it used to.
I silicone lubed the catches as I had discovered that if I pressed on the righ hand one while "actuating" the push switch thing on the outside of the hatch, it would unlock/open.
So I simply put all the screws back in to hold the panel in place, checked is still worked when closed, and closed it all up as it had starte4d to rain by then.
No idea what went on, so just hopeful it'll carry on working.
Not brave enough to put the spare wheeel etc back where it normally lives and raise both rear seats though!
Having possibly lost that locking wheel nut socket in the gravel, (yes they are big bits, none of your "tread me in the house all the time" pea gravel here!) and the occaisonal screw, ditto over in F land. I suggested to W that it might be an idea to get a cheap metal detector.
She was all over it like a rash so one is now ordered "for your birthday" which as you know passed a while back! It might be interesting to see what I can turn up! "What do you give the man who has everything? A detector so he can find it!"
Will I find that 1" socket?! ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ

And no it isn't going to be a cheap one either. :rolleyes:
I always use one of them magnetic trays even if not metal it keeps all the bits together ๐Ÿ˜
Trying that, pokin holes in me screen with the callipers :D
Model sizes vary with early series according to pics, works drawings show it looking tall and narrow whereas pictures show it wider and wings not as tall ?
I've taken measurements from wings and then tried to work out the grill width, which comes out different to deducting wing measurements from overall width according to factory, also difficult to get more than one or two with straight on full front to measure from, they are all taken at an angle.
Have a day out at a car museum and take a tape measure ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Always a problem with that stuff all different grades and and different manufacturers also temperature has a big impact but it is easy to cut to shape looking good keep the picture's coming ๐Ÿ‘

We use it all the time trouble is that its a 2 part system.... we've had some right disasters with lads trying to judge the amount Once we were filling in seat compartments on new build boat, the sun was melting the shed it was so hot we had big fans
on keeping us cool but as soon as I mixed the 2 part system in the bucket it reacted instantly so I gave it to my mate to get it
off the boat as he was standing on the ladder. It was overflowing & going everywhere ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ When he got off the ladder he stood
on it & went to run but slipped n landed on his back & launched the bucket into the air got covered in it ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
I couldnt do anything for laughing. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ wot a mess oooops
Dry but dull and feeling like rain although none forecast
Lost my momentum, hoping for measurements from somebody so as I can make my series 1 front panel, not holding my breath ๐Ÿค” :confused:
Anyway, housework needs to be done :)
Stay busy all :D
I can have a measure on Monday. What measurements do you need? Canโ€™t look tomorrow cos the owners will be about ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Done a bit of plumbering today n used one of them pipe freeze kits & chopped the pipes to put isolating valves in.
Great bits of kit worked a treat. :cool: :cool:
You are braver than me!
I've seen those kits but in the end chickened out and found the isolating valves.
In our place here a lot of them are in the airing cupboard along with the hot water cylinder etc.
Maybe if the watter in the pipes is already cold....
Well done mate!:):):)
I always use one of them magnetic trays even if not metal it keeps all the bits together ๐Ÿ˜
I do too, it's a big bugre an all, I even have one of those magnetic wristbands.

But, typically it is full of stuff and sits in the left hand rear locker.

Rolleyes doesn't cover it really!!!

Typically I would use it for small bits. But for things as big as wheel bolts etc I just park them in a"safe" place.

This is only the second time in my life I lost a locking wheel nut socket.

The other time it was for the D1 300tdi. I searched like mad, even raked up all the gravel, sifted through it and put it all back. Bought a noo one and a few years later just suddenly saw it sitting there on top of the gravel, not far from where I had looked, if not actually in the area. Flipped me off a bit I don't mind saying!!

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