So we just received a Christmas present!

Yep, Christmas.🤣🤣🤣
Our middle dottir asked us if we had thanked our grandson for his present. "Wot present ?" sez us. (This is the one who lives on the Scottish island.) So she must have contacted him.

The present consisted of a nice bott of malt, Glenglassaugh, 50% no less! :vb-banana::vb-banana::vb-banana:
But also of two packs, one of "drinks" and one of pills. containing Vitamins A and C and Zinc. Trade name is "Truvivity".
W has checked and they are REALLY expensive if you buy them in the wrong place. Together more expensive than the Malt. :stars:

But WHYYYYYYYYY?????????
W's skin is fantastic for her age. She has never worn make up as she never needed to and has always been taken for being about 10 years younger than she is.
I on the other hand suffer with folliculitis, but I wasn't aware that he knew. :stars: :stars:

He and his partner make videos for all sorts of people and businesses. Wondering if he got them as a freebie.;)
And his "partna" is male so, who knows, maybe they both have fantastic skins!!!🤣🤣🤣

But this takes the Huntley and Palmers for weird presents!!

They are pretty quick too
Prolly the one built by Edd China. His book (Grease Junkie) describes the making of it and all the others, places and objects that can be driven, the sofa, the office desk, etc etc. The book is a good read and explains why he left Wheeler Dealers and it wasn't for the reasons others have given. ;)
Afternoon, first cut of the garden done. B&q had 10% off and somehow I walked out with tomato plants, strawberry plants and more compost.

Now making more planters
Did mine Yesdi.

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