Can you not do it by looking at lots of pics on tinternet, blowing them up then comparing them all to something of known dimension, like a headlight?
Trying that, pokin holes in me screen with the callipers :D
Model sizes vary with early series according to pics, works drawings show it looking tall and narrow whereas pictures show it wider and wings not as tall ?
I've taken measurements from wings and then tried to work out the grill width, which comes out different to deducting wing measurements from overall width according to factory, also difficult to get more than one or two with straight on full front to measure from, they are all taken at an angle.
Trying that, pokin holes in me screen with the callipers :D
Model sizes vary with early series according to pics, works drawings show it looking tall and narrow whereas pictures show it wider and wings not as tall ?
I've taken measurements from wings and then tried to work out the grill width, which comes out different to deducting wing measurements from overall width according to factory, also difficult to get more than one or two with straight on full front to measure from, they are all taken at an angle.
Have a day out at a motor museum, they might let you takes some measurements.
Why use his money, W just brought him a top of the range "cheap" metal detectoror which probably has more tech and needs a phone to work.
What could go wrong Stans got this 🫣 .

top of the range "cheap" metal detectoror
Have you seen the cost of those???!!!
Nope, £50 from Amerzone. We'll see if it works at all. I have no intention whatsoever of going to a beach or a farmer's fields etc. Not my "bag" at all!:):):)
Trying that, pokin holes in me screen with the callipers :D
Model sizes vary with early series according to pics, works drawings show it looking tall and narrow whereas pictures show it wider and wings not as tall ?
I've taken measurements from wings and then tried to work out the grill width, which comes out different to deducting wing measurements from overall width according to factory, also difficult to get more than one or two with straight on full front to measure from, they are all taken at an angle.
I too have just spent a little while trying to find dimensions of body work and straight on pics of sides, front and back. As you see so many are artistically posed at a 45 degree angle, so no use. Some things give the internal dimensions but that ain't a lot of use either.
Maybe find a decent pic or two and print them off having enlarged them with iPhotoplus or summat?
I don't go in supermarkets, and I ain't got a licence to drive a shopping trolly so I bow to your superior knowledge.
I only know cos back when I woz a bad lad I nicked a trolley (that someone had left a long way from a supermarket) and cut it down to use as an engine trolley. It worked a dream cos back in those days they had rectangular bases. Then my son-in-law at the time gave me another one that he had! So I have two hanging up in the garage! ;)
I too have just spent a little while trying to find dimensions of body work and straight on pics of sides, front and back. As you see so many are artistically posed at a 45 degree angle, so no use. Some things give the internal dimensions but that ain't a lot of use either.
Maybe find a decent pic or two and print them off having enlarged them with iPhotoplus or summat?
Off out to get some filler
I'll have a go at the grill and do it by eye, if it looks right then it is right, series men can measure it if they like or maybe put sign up saying 'No Measuring' :D

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