Mornin', it's a lovely sunny day and the dogs are already racing round the garden with a soft toy being used as a target. They certainly recharge their body batteries overnight!
Mornin all. Hazy here, hopefully it will burn off.
Yam thinking of getting a run around to help keep the miles off me tratter. Chap I know is looking to shift a MK3 MX5.
Anyone have any experience / pointers / dire warnings?
Have a great weekend everyone.
@Hippo .Lists are great, just ask my missus.
@Hicap phill , don't forget your sunglasses (jodhpur covert observations)
Eye feller sleep this afternoon un not be gone shoppin. We think we'll av enough milk fer breakfast so eye can go termorrow int stead. If eye go now there wun't be any bread. Tisser good job eye gotted me spuds last week fer this week.

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