G'day all.
Suns out here.
That is the only good thing about today so far.
Still digging around trying to solve the problem with pension I owe the TP.
The last letter I received I have onlt this morning been cool enough to read properly.
It makes no sense at all.
Before replying to it I dug around to find some info and found a page I want to print off.
Tis a Word document.
It contains a picture, a screen shot off tinternet.
My usually reliable Canon printer will only print the pic, not the text.
So I tried to update the printer driver.

This is seemingly impossible. The "update" button on the printer screen ont pooter, if I click it goes to a "site can't be found "message.
So I go to the Canon website, that will download set up stuff but it sort of stalls after that. It tells me to make sure I have logged on to Microsoft so I do that. Still don't work.

All I want to do is something I have done probably a thousand times.

GOD I HATE TECH!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Gerra new printer and then have a 'Clockwise' moment with the old one, very satisfying.
Am seriously contemplating this!
Have jusr managed to download printer driver and all the other "ancillary" poop that comes with it. It took about 15 minutes.
Just tried to print a Word file again I have just got a blank page.
I had to go to Google Chrome to find the Canon website but there I was able to select the correct pooter op sys, Windows 10 64 bit, so I was hoepful that I had found the source of the problem, but no.
Gottid me coat yesdi. On the way back eye went through the park. Spittid a squirrel looking for fings around the bottom of a tree. Went towards it and chucked some nuts. He couln't see where they went but they were where he was looking. Came away and a crow landed in the next tree and one ont floor walking towards said squirrel. It hid round the back of the tree. Eye went back to scare away the crow. Then left him alone. He must have been more tame than my squirrel. Eye was 6 foot away from him. Do crows eat hazel nuts?
Crows and rooks eat every thing that is edible from frogs to pecking out lamb's eyes
Finished washing the dirty quarter of me trattter which didn't get washed at the weekend. And clocked up about 60 miles of Linkinshirshire's finest muddy country roads. Made it to a fuel stop on the fumes left in the tank. Back at Wimblowdriver Towers - tratter needs another wash.

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