"Generally speaking, if a family does have a cygnet that is not strong enough when it comes to swimming, etc.... the cob will often either chase it away from the group, or, he will kill it himself directly. The reason for this could be that waiting for it catch-up to the family group could jeopardise the survival of the rest of the family. Slowing things down when it comes to going from one food source to another, moving to resting spots or swimming away from threatening situations, will increase the probability of mishap to the rest of the brood."

I think this part of the cygnet upbringing is awful.. nature is crazy!
Nature is natrural instincts and survival must work as thay are sill with us
Gottid me coat yesdi. On the way back eye went through the park. Spittid a squirrel looking for fings around the bottom of a tree. Went towards it and chucked some nuts. He couln't see where they went but they were where he was looking. Came away and a crow landed in the next tree and one ont floor walking towards said squirrel. It hid round the back of the tree. Eye went back to scare away the crow. Then left him alone. He must have been more tame than my squirrel. Eye was 6 foot away from him. Do crows eat hazel nuts?

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