So its firing out blanks 🤣🤣
Blank Word text documents, yes. 🤣
Total PITA.:(

Now stuck wondering whether I need to buy a noo printer for Fland or a Microsoft Office product so the flipping printer will print text from it. Or what? I can't update the Office I have got as it's too old. And the variations on a theme,,,,,,,,, and the different prices?????
Jeez, I have enough to be getting on with without this poop!

Think I might fire up the other laptop I never use and see if it'll print from that.

It'll have to wait until after the MOT tomoz.
Meanwhile, back at the laptop ranch, I have finally managed to find a way of getting Microsoft to repair my Office suite.
I had to reboot, which I have done, so tomoz I'll try again.

I find tech is like a Maze that I have to try and get through blindfolded. Thank heavens for Google etc which points you in the right direction, as well as a nice bloke on my local Nextdoor who was quite a bit of help.
Had enough of sitting at a keyboard for today. And I STILL have not done the job I had lined up for this morning, to write a considered letter to the Teachers' Pensions. (You wouldn't believe the mistakes and incoherences there are in their communications. )

So as good old Sammy Pepys would say..."And so to bed!"

Night night all! :):):):)
G'day all.
Suns out here.
That is the only good thing about today so far.
Still digging around trying to solve the problem with pension I owe the TP.
The last letter I received I have onlt this morning been cool enough to read properly.
It makes no sense at all.
Before replying to it I dug around to find some info and found a page I want to print off.
Tis a Word document.
It contains a picture, a screen shot off tinternet.
My usually reliable Canon printer will only print the pic, not the text.
So I tried to update the printer driver.

This is seemingly impossible. The "update" button on the printer screen ont pooter, if I click it goes to a "site can't be found "message.
So I go to the Canon website, that will download set up stuff but it sort of stalls after that. It tells me to make sure I have logged on to Microsoft so I do that. Still don't work.

All I want to do is something I have done probably a thousand times.

GOD I HATE TECH!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Have you highlighted the pic, so it prints only highlighted stuff.

Install a pdf creater and use that to print to pdf file. Then print the pdf file to printer.

Yer must have done somefink to the print settings to stop it printing everyfink on the page.
blimey, house across the street is getting scaffold, talk about overkill.. been at it 2 hours already!! they are obviously following some h/s rules getting paid on how much metal they have to use yet the dude isnt wearing a hard hat, isnt tethered :eek:
cant wait to see what works are going to be done.. never seens someone use a mini/diy spirit level like that before

think i'm gonna have a full days entertainment
blimey, house across the street is getting scaffold, talk about overkill.. been at it 2 hours already!! they are obviously following some h/s rules getting paid on how much metal they have to use yet the dude isnt wearing a hard hat, isnt tethered :eek:
cant wait to see what works are going to be done.. never seens someone use a mini/diy spirit level like that before

think i'm gonna have a full days entertainment
they are still at it. now 3 blokes up there, 2 working, other guy not working, no hi-vis unless his cig counts as a 'light' :D

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