Filled the landy full of compost :) 6 bags and other gardening fun then off to get straw and duck food (I buy 15kg bags at a time) then home to do alot of gardening because I really can't face being the domestic goddess and putting the washing away. Mr WL has a rubbish wife 🀣🀣🀣🀣

Chest is back to normal don't feel like I've been punched anymore and I'm feeling alot better.

You keep πŸ¦†πŸ¦†πŸ¦†s
Morning All. :D
We struggled manfully (and Womanfully?) and knocked another metpost in for the relocated gatepost, then we moved the very heavy gate and the other post that is fitted to the wall. On final mounting of the gate I find I have made a "schoolboy-error" and the wall-mounted post is in the wrong position relative to the other one. :(
So it has all got to come off again and be repositioned. Arrgghh! :mad:
I have not got over yesterday's exertions yet, but here we go again.
Have a great day! :D
Measure twice cut once 😒😒😒😒
We have a couple of swans who nest locally and bring the cygnets along to introduce to us ...

"Generally speaking, if a family does have a cygnet that is not strong enough when it comes to swimming, etc.... the cob will often either chase it away from the group, or, he will kill it himself directly. The reason for this could be that waiting for it catch-up to the family group could jeopardise the survival of the rest of the family. Slowing things down when it comes to going from one food source to another, moving to resting spots or swimming away from threatening situations, will increase the probability of mishap to the rest of the brood."

I think this part of the cygnet upbringing is awful.. nature is crazy!
Sooo, coming back down the A3 yesdi a funny noise began in the engine bay, a whirring kinda noise. Dropped oft the M27 onto the A27 and pulled over, nothing obvious to see but thought it might be the idle pulley bearing and opted to push on. Around Porchester the noise stopped, followed by a 'ping', the battery light came on and the steering went heavy. No serpentine belt, thinks I. Made it home without overheating (just). It was the alternator bearing, failed entirely and threw the belt which ended up around the fan. Only replaced the damn thing last April anorl!
Snotty email sent, need to fix it it asap as we're off to Cornwall next Satdi (I'll leave the house keys in the usual place).

Silver lining. Puppy looks great. 😝
Bad luck mate! At least there appears to be little if no collateral damage.

Lovely re the puppy!

Pics pleeze! (Of the pup, natch!)

"Generally speaking, if a family does have a cygnet that is not strong enough when it comes to swimming, etc.... the cob will often either chase it away from the group, or, he will kill it himself directly. The reason for this could be that waiting for it catch-up to the family group could jeopardise the survival of the rest of the family. Slowing things down when it comes to going from one food source to another, moving to resting spots or swimming away from threatening situations, will increase the probability of mishap to the rest of the brood."

I think this part of the cygnet upbringing is awful.. nature is crazy!
Survival of the fittest isn't it.

"Generally speaking, if a family does have a cygnet that is not strong enough when it comes to swimming, etc.... the cob will often either chase it away from the group, or, he will kill it himself directly. The reason for this could be that waiting for it catch-up to the family group could jeopardise the survival of the rest of the family. Slowing things down when it comes to going from one food source to another, moving to resting spots or swimming away from threatening situations, will increase the probability of mishap to the rest of the brood."

I think this part of the cygnet upbringing is awful.. nature is crazy!
Sadly it is just nature being inhumanly logical.
Same sort of reasons as to why the Inuits, or Eskimos as we used to call them, left their old folk on ice floes when they could no lnger chew whale skin or whatever it was they used to chew to make it useful.

Boris thought like that as we know, withness what happened in the care homes.:mad::mad::mad:

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