Dry here at the mo.
Awaiting food delivery then W off to do chairtaichi
And I'll have a bash at changing the transducer on the Disco. Fingers crossed that is solves the issue so tight it hurts!
Off to view the auction.
W interested in the usual, me in one job lot of watches and a Leitz-Leica camera which looks like a set as there are lenses etc with it.
The ludicrous guide price is £20 to £40 should make 10 times that unless there is a lot wrong with the camera, even in today's digital age, they keep their value. Have always wanted one so a set would be amazing.
Crossed fingas again that no one else who cares is looking but as they are ont tinternet someone else is bound to have seen it. :(

Have a great day folks!:):):)
Went on a bo@t yesterday. Stayed on a bo@t last night and went on another bo@t today. I’m having a midlife crisis I think


Bo@t I stayed on ^^

Today’s bo@t 👇

It just started raining here.
Just as I was finishing replacing a dead rear light bulb.
After having successfully mended the ACE by replacing the transducer as recommended by Sierraferry.
Twas a complete member of Barstaff to get out and put the new one in. The pipes get right in the way, and even with u/js, extensions etc I ended up having to go off and buy a set of adaptors and U/J s to be able to go from 1/2" to 3/8" and back.
BUT as soon as I finished, about 1 1/2 hours after I started, I turned the key and the blessed ACE light went off!
So after lunch I'll be booking a new MOT. :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana:
Enjoy the rest of the day!!:):):)

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