Evening folks, this illness did a good job on disabling me. Had to go to work boss said I look dead and told me to leave early so I did :) I have only gone through one box of tissues today and treated myself to lots of meds in boots. 🙄. Will try and lick all the posts but there may be too many.
Oh dear youi poor thing.:(:(:(
Do look after yourself.;)
Yes, it was a calculated risk. She had a dose over a week ago and yet was still showing all the symptoms and behaviours of being infested. THat first dose was from a very old batch and we were not sure how potent it might still be. Hence the new purchase of Frontline and the re-dose this week. I have had her on my la this morning for some considerable while and found at least one flea that was visiting the corner of her mouth, I managed to get it (possibly it wasn't 100% fit at this stage). She's a subdued baby, but I will do my best to keep her safe. The only problem is the "other cats" which are pretty Feral. We have managed to dose one of them, but the other is a bit of a terror. We will do our best. :D
Will they wash oft in the baff? Shampoo the cat.
Ear @Hippo I is looking at Freelanders 2s, prolly one with air miles on the clock 🤪
Morning All. :D
CH failed because we put it to manual mode because we felt chilly when it was already at full house temp and the boiler tripped out because the heat had nowhere to go. :(
Cat pooh on the kitchen floor, cleaned up. :(
Tried the lung-o-meter when it arrived yesterday and scared myself because it said only 400. :(
Tried it again later when calmer and more prepared and got the score I was hoping for (500). :)
2 new jaw screws for the damaged lathe chuck were £124. :(
Have a great day! :D

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