Bit of a funny day today.
Took W's Pluriel to the tyre place to see what was needed. We agreed, two new fronts, balance and the tracking done.
I walked to scroofix to pick up some bits, when I came back they told me they had taken the wheels off but couldn't do the full job as they couldn't balance em.
Apparently Pluriels have no centre hole in the wheels and their balancing machines can no longer do them.
They rang around and the Blandford branch had some.
So I tootled off home got on tinternet to find their number, rang em up and yes they could do it all if I got there in narf an 'our.
So rushed off and just made it, lots of (swearing at slow drivers, road works, noo speed limits etc.).
It took them a flipping hour to do the job and then they pointed out a bit of funniness as regards the wear pattern on the front discs. The tracking was within specs but we all agreed there was wear on the inside edges, so they put them bang on zero.
So I got to talking to all sorts of peeps while waiting. That was nice.
Finally made it back home through pigging traffic 2 hours after I set off from home. Bang went the arternoon!
And 212 sovs.
@kevstar will know about these wheels.
Have to confess that although I maintain her car I had never noticed this!! Rather weird methinks Never having come across it before. Never had to take the rear hubs off. (Discs on rear.) This has got me wondering now how the handbrake works!!
Anyway, have a lovely evening!
It has been sunny and crisp today ere!:):):):):)

Oh what fun on a monday, yup I remember the wheels with no centres iirc Peugeots had em, easy to do just bolt on the
flange attachment on to the machine ,takes a little longer as you have to bolt the wheel on. I liked to put the weights on the
inside of all wheels & you can trick the wheel balance machine by counter balancing it, putting the weight in the middle
of the two settings which took a bit of practice but normally out by 5/10g just remove the weight & move it over 20mm lol
Tricks of the trade :cool:
Although failing to find at the moment, yhere is a website showing a complete record of all the DWP payments you have paid. It is interesting so I will continue my search. ...............................
I do have the full breakdown of MY NIC payments by year. But how does this equate to the ordinary joe on the street self-employed and paying only the minimum stamp (was £2.65/wk when I was self-employed in 2013 and 20% of profits over a ceiling figure). But, if your accountant shows you made SFA profit all you pay is £2.65 for the full pension rights and full NHS care. How is this ever fair????
That I am tempted to buy this car.

1967 semi-auto (my Dad had one of these). But its a bit 'spensive for an old chugger @ £12k.

You might not be comparing like with like. My state pen is paid every 4 weeks, 13 times a year, not 12 x monthly payments. I think I am on close to a full pension, but not sure. Currently 200 sovs every 4 weeks. Also, just had a letter from Dpt for Works n pensions today, the state pension rises on the 10th April. Mine rises to 217 sovs per week. (Plus about 500 sovs extra in winter as us old folk need to be kept warm so we gets a fuel allowance. Diesel n whiskey :D)

200 sovs every 4 weeks, not 200 weekly ??
Thay used to balance the wheels on the car remember them things thay sat on with a driving cylinder on the front now thay are done off the car for ease if you haven't a hole in the middle how did thay put the new tyers on ?
Re wheels being balanced on the car, I had the knock-on wire wheels on my Marlin Roadster done like that. It was fantastic, it meant that all the running gear, disc, hub etc was balanced along with the tyre and wheel. But you can no longer get it done now, as far as I know. I asked about it and they said that elf and safety kicked it into touch along with so few people seeing the need for/wanting it. But I bet that classic car restorers, well some of them, probably still have the gear.
I asked them how they changed the tyre and they said that that wouldn't be a problem. Just the balancing.
As @kevstar worked for years in the tyre trade I'm sure he'll know.

I have just found ONE company that still does it.

Ouch, the price!!
Bless u and that’s very kind of u to say ,

Really sorry to hear u also had a rough time my friend and great u came out the other side , does put life into perspective as ur laying there , mine was in 2005 and spent a week as well in ICU

funny enough I got blood clots in my calves along with cellulitis, felt like they were pumping water into my lower legs , Christ thwt was also panel as my feet swelled up and skin stretching , earned a pair of very fashionable white stockings, lol

Got my eye appointment assessment on 7 th march for a cataract in my right eye and since having my gallbladder out I can’t lay on my back as I get terrible acid reflux along with severe badk pain, will ensure that if they proceed to surgery they will have to knock me out

Think though the main issue I have is my depression in the way it’s been ruling my life , don’t mind admitting have lined my tablets up a few times, even worse since loosing my beloved candy a few months back

Was diagnosed with chronic depression all the way back in 1981 at the age of 15 , however saying that this forum and its members have been such a massive support system and don’t know what I would have done without it

Maybe that’s why I waffle so much as always so nice just being able to talk

Thks again so much and stay safe and well

Waffle away matey, I dont mind lz is a great forum I love this place. The only other forum that compared was the old rs owners
club but it changed about 15 years ago with the new breed of fast fords & the know it all nob ends so I fell away from it.
You've had a rough time thats for sure, loosing a loyal companion is bloody heart breaking I lost my wee Theia last year too.
She died in front of us which was really hard & I managed to bring her back for a min & she looked as us then passed. 😢
Re wheels being balanced on the car, I had the knock-on wire wheels on my Marlin Roadster done like that. It was fantastic, it meant that all the running gear, disc, hub etc was balanced along with the tyre and wheel. But you can no longer get it done now, as far as I know. I asked about it and they said that elf and safety kicked it into touch along with so few people seeing the need for/wanting it. But I bet that classic car restorers, well some of them, probably still have the gear.
I asked them how they changed the tyre and they said that that wouldn't be a problem. Just the balancing.
As @kevstar worked for years in the tyre trade I'm sure he'll know.

I have just found ONE company that still does it.

Ouch, the price!!

Nice price :oops: Id be pumping the beads/sand into the tyre like commercial tyres, I dont know anyone who does this anymore.
.... asking for her indoors.
Does anyone know why it should be that the following should be true/likely?
1. The minimum contributions required for the FULL state pension is 30 full qualifying years of contributions.
2. My record on the DWP site is 42 full Qualifying years and from this coming April I will get £842.96/Month.
3. My Wife's record is 40 full qualifying years and from this coming april she will get £191.34 per week.

Now 12 x 842.96 is £10,115.52 PA. or £194.53 pw
Whereas 52 x £191.34 is £9,949.68 PA.

Now the DWP website says that the Full State Pension for 30 years is currently £203.85/pw.

So, our joint question is IF we are so "Overqualified" (12 years and 110 years respectively) in terms of years paid, why are we deficient in terms of the amount of state benefit we get?

Only things I can think of are "contracted out" schemes, but nothing in the DWP record says anything about us having been subject to this.

Any of you clever folk have any answers?
My case is similar to your W's. I worked 4 years before uni, (one year in France for which believe it or not I could claim a pathetic pension off the frogs, maybe I will one day), then 33 years and 2 terms of teaching. So 37 years. But when they contacted me re my pension and I felt some contributory time had gone west they very peremptorily told me that I had paid in what I needed to and basically to go away I'd get what I should!
I had contracted out as I paid into a teacher's pension so my full state pension was cut back to about 3/4 of full pension.
So I guess anyone who has contracted out at some time will be treated the same way.
So your W's projected pension is not far short of full pension as far as I can tell.
But they keep working it out deliberately opaque. And yes, nothing in mine said anything about the contracted out time either.
Besy of luck with it all mate.:):):)
I know it's 30 years for basic and 35 for full state pension. I'll be dead before I can retire going by govt guidelines.
Part of the problem and reasons for the obfuscation is that they have changed the rules like mad over the past few years.
For instance I missed, by one year, getting my state pension at 65.
If you dig deep enough you can find the details out but they don't make it easy at all.
.... asking for her indoors.
Does anyone know why it should be that the following should be true/likely?
1. The minimum contributions required for the FULL state pension is 30 full qualifying years of contributions.
2. My record on the DWP site is 42 full Qualifying years and from this coming April I will get £842.96/Month.
3. My Wife's record is 40 full qualifying years and from this coming april she will get £191.34 per week.

Now 12 x 842.96 is £10,115.52 PA. or £194.53 pw
Whereas 52 x £191.34 is £9,949.68 PA.

Now the DWP website says that the Full State Pension for 30 years is currently £203.85/pw.

So, our joint question is IF we are so "Overqualified" (12 years and 110 years respectively) in terms of years paid, why are we deficient in terms of the amount of state benefit we get?

Only things I can think of are "contracted out" schemes, but nothing in the DWP record says anything about us having been subject to this.

Any of you clever folk have any answers?
Short answer, yes you have both paid in enough but if you have either been "contracted out" at some point then over that period you will not have been making full contributions. Which does look like it happened.
look to see if you have any payslips with the letters D, E L, N or O on them.
Just checked one of my last payslips "Type D", so there you go, or rather I did!
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