They is measuring yer ability to manage the debt you have. Keeping up regular payments. Yer record also shows the total debt yer have. Eye was told by a car sales man to gerra credit card years ago and pay oft monthly as our house had no credit history. Was cheaper than a 200 sov loan paid back over 3 months, to get history.
She was an ass. Very clever woman, brilliant at her job, but when it came to big personal finance, rubbish.
I gave her the divorce settlement and told her to stick it straight down as a deposit on a flat or a small house, even if she wasn't going to live in it. £12k back in 1990 was easily enough for that and she earned nearly as much as I did.
But she didn't. It all bit her in the backside 20 yrs later. :(
Bloody hell mate you've been through the mill :( I can relate to the breathing as I was in ICU with blood clots in my lungs
& came very close to not pulling though. I remember they put some sort of mask on me that when I breathed in it collapsed
at the same it & it freaked me out so I was ripping it off and panicking. Horrible experience. :(:(

Best wishes buddy I hope your well on the mend. ;)

Bless u and that’s very kind of u to say ,

Really sorry to hear u also had a rough time my friend and great u came out the other side , does put life into perspective as ur laying there , mine was in 2005 and spent a week as well in ICU

funny enough I got blood clots in my calves along with cellulitis, felt like they were pumping water into my lower legs , Christ thwt was also panel as my feet swelled up and skin stretching , earned a pair of very fashionable white stockings, lol

Got my eye appointment assessment on 7 th march for a cataract in my right eye and since having my gallbladder out I can’t lay on my back as I get terrible acid reflux along with severe badk pain, will ensure that if they proceed to surgery they will have to knock me out

Think though the main issue I have is my depression in the way it’s been ruling my life , don’t mind admitting have lined my tablets up a few times, even worse since loosing my beloved candy a few months back

Was diagnosed with chronic depression all the way back in 1981 at the age of 15 , however saying that this forum and its members have been such a massive support system and don’t know what I would have done without it

Maybe that’s why I waffle so much as always so nice just being able to talk

Thks again so much and stay safe and well
Hi everyone

Must. Confess also had my gallbladder out and indeed was extremely painful as it never let off, left it for days until the pain was too much to tolerate

Feel that since having extensive back surgery the medical issues have arouse , was fine before that

Ending up with pneumonia in both lungs and ending up in icu, I must admit I started to panic when they changed me over to the forced air mask as I simply couldn’t get in sync with the it so to speak , they changed me back to an ordinary mask to discuss was was next

They said if I don’t improve in the next 24 hours I’ll have to be put to sleep but comes with high risk of not being able to get off a ventilator , luckily I was able to get by just enough as they tried embilisers every few hours which helped

Every time they took off the mark my sats dropped to I think 70 or 60 , know it very low and couldn’t breath

To this day I have to have a fan on in the bedroom as I found in icu if I got hot the panic attack would start to happen the ward sister there stopped them by using a fan

Sorry I’m waffling , just wished to say my heart goes out to u that’s had pneumonia or gallbladder issues as all u want is for the pain to stop along with getting a full breath of air without struggling

Wanted to pop in and say hello and that everyone is keeping well
It's good to pop in :)
Bless u and that’s very kind of u to say ,

Really sorry to hear u also had a rough time my friend and great u came out the other side , does put life into perspective as ur laying there , mine was in 2005 and spent a week as well in ICU

funny enough I got blood clots in my calves along with cellulitis, felt like they were pumping water into my lower legs , Christ thwt was also panel as my feet swelled up and skin stretching , earned a pair of very fashionable white stockings, lol

Got my eye appointment assessment on 7 th march for a cataract in my right eye and since having my gallbladder out I can’t lay on my back as I get terrible acid reflux along with severe badk pain, will ensure that if they proceed to surgery they will have to knock me out

Think though the main issue I have is my depression in the way it’s been ruling my life , don’t mind admitting have lined my tablets up a few times, even worse since loosing my beloved candy a few months back

Was diagnosed with chronic depression all the way back in 1981 at the age of 15 , however saying that this forum and its members have been such a massive support system and don’t know what I would have done without it

Maybe that’s why I waffle so much as always so nice just being able to talk

Thks again so much and stay safe and well
As Bob Hopkins said "it's good to talk".

Depression is a nasty illness (I've had my fair share) and often misunderstood. Good to have you in.

Morning folks, day off and already done a few weeks jobs around the house. Now to relax. :)
As Bob Hopkins said "it's good to talk".

Depression is a nasty illness (I've had my fair share) and often misunderstood. Good to have you in.

Morning folks, day off and already done a few weeks jobs around the house. Now to relax. :)

Many thks for the kind words and indeed also been struggling with this for many years , sorry to hear you’ve also had problems with it

Think the first time it really hit me hard is when my wife passed away then my beloved black lab candy who was also such a sweetheart , then my mum who’s now in a home with dementia so felt the support dropping away which I also really struggle with as I can no longer turn to them

Often will think when I’m out and about of who may have depression , are they living on there own or have someone to talk to

Indeed it’s that hidden illness but good more and more people are becoming aware of it

So hope ur all keeping safe and well , the weather is currently at 16c where I am so wrap up warm and don’t forget ur gloves, lol
Many thks for the kind words and indeed also been struggling with this for many years , sorry to hear you’ve also had problems with it

Think the first time it really hit me hard is when my wife passed away then my beloved black lab candy who was also such a sweetheart , then my mum who’s now in a home with dementia so felt the support dropping away which I also really struggle with as I can no longer turn to them

Often will think when I’m out and about of who may have depression , are they living on there own or have someone to talk to

Indeed it’s that hidden illness but good more and more people are becoming aware of it

So hope ur all keeping safe and well , the weather is currently at 16c where I am so wrap up warm and don’t forget ur gloves, lol
I'm sitting working on a blanket so getting warmer and warmer
Bless u and that’s very kind of u to say ,

Really sorry to hear u also had a rough time my friend and great u came out the other side , does put life into perspective as ur laying there , mine was in 2005 and spent a week as well in ICU

funny enough I got blood clots in my calves along with cellulitis, felt like they were pumping water into my lower legs , Christ thwt was also panel as my feet swelled up and skin stretching , earned a pair of very fashionable white stockings, lol

Got my eye appointment assessment on 7 th march for a cataract in my right eye and since having my gallbladder out I can’t lay on my back as I get terrible acid reflux along with severe badk pain, will ensure that if they proceed to surgery they will have to knock me out

Think though the main issue I have is my depression in the way it’s been ruling my life , don’t mind admitting have lined my tablets up a few times, even worse since loosing my beloved candy a few months back

Was diagnosed with chronic depression all the way back in 1981 at the age of 15 , however saying that this forum and its members have been such a massive support system and don’t know what I would have done without it

Maybe that’s why I waffle so much as always so nice just being able to talk

Thks again so much and stay safe and well
I wish you lived as bit nearer - I'd make you come out with me and do stuff. Drive my digger, visit vintage car shows, that sort of thing. It's not formal 'therapy', but there's lots of evidence that pleasurable activity in company with others makes a difference to mood.
She was an ass. Very clever woman, brilliant at her job, but when it came to big personal finance, rubbish.
I gave her the divorce settlement and told her to stick it straight down as a deposit on a flat or a small house, even if she wasn't going to live in it. £12k back in 1990 was easily enough for that and she earned nearly as much as I did.
But she didn't. It all bit her in the backside 20 yrs later. :(
Same with my brother, he frittered over £40k of his £90k on a "Luxury Motorhome".
2nd marriage bit the dirt and he lost the rest. Now he lives in a scabby older motorhome with no MOT parked inside his works unit. :(
Last week me light triggered. Gorrup to see a cat going inside me hedgehog feeder. When it came oot eye opened the window which scared it oft. This morning me light went oft again. It was a small fox. Looked at me hog feeder then both rat trap boxes then went down the garden. The entrance to me hog feeder points to a wall. 15cm square. Need to do somefink to keep cats oot but me hog can still get in. Might put it a bit closer to the wall.
.... asking for her indoors.
Does anyone know why it should be that the following should be true/likely?
1. The minimum contributions required for the FULL state pension is 30 full qualifying years of contributions.
2. My record on the DWP site is 42 full Qualifying years and from this coming April I will get £842.96/Month.
3. My Wife's record is 40 full qualifying years and from this coming april she will get £191.34 per week.

Now 12 x 842.96 is £10,115.52 PA. or £194.53 pw
Whereas 52 x £191.34 is £9,949.68 PA.

Now the DWP website says that the Full State Pension for 30 years is currently £203.85/pw.

So, our joint question is IF we are so "Overqualified" (12 years and 110 years respectively) in terms of years paid, why are we deficient in terms of the amount of state benefit we get?

Only things I can think of are "contracted out" schemes, but nothing in the DWP record says anything about us having been subject to this.

Any of you clever folk have any answers?

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