Hi everyone

Must. Confess also had my gallbladder out and indeed was extremely painful as it never let off, left it for days until the pain was too much to tolerate

Feel that since having extensive back surgery the medical issues have arouse , was fine before that

Ending up with pneumonia in both lungs and ending up in icu, I must admit I started to panic when they changed me over to the forced air mask as I simply couldn’t get in sync with the it so to speak , they changed me back to an ordinary mask to discuss was was next

They said if I don’t improve in the next 24 hours I’ll have to be put to sleep but comes with high risk of not being able to get off a ventilator , luckily I was able to get by just enough as they tried embilisers every few hours which helped

Every time they took off the mark my sats dropped to I think 70 or 60 , know it very low and couldn’t breath

To this day I have to have a fan on in the bedroom as I found in icu if I got hot the panic attack would start to happen the ward sister there stopped them by using a fan

Sorry I’m waffling , just wished to say my heart goes out to u that’s had pneumonia or gallbladder issues as all u want is for the pain to stop along with getting a full breath of air without struggling

Wanted to pop in and say hello and that everyone is keeping well

Bloody hell mate you've been through the mill :( I can relate to the breathing as I was in ICU with blood clots in my lungs
& came very close to not pulling though. I remember they put some sort of mask on me that when I breathed in it collapsed
at the same it & it freaked me out so I was ripping it off and panicking. Horrible experience. :(:(

Best wishes buddy I hope your well on the mend. ;)
I got made to pay with it as its good to pay stuff off so will they give me a super car or what 🤣🤣
When my ex split with her long term bloke (20 years) as she hadn't been paying into a mortgage nor nuffin, (instead she had been paying the bills and stuff, he paid the mrtgage and made sure she didn't, he wasn't stoopid, she was !) she found she had no credit rating so struggled like flip to be able to rent a flat!! Funny how you build a credit rating, by being in debt then paying it off. Seems to oppose logic but then it does prove you can pay stuff back. I have heard of peeps taking out loans to pay other off then carrying on doing it just to build up credit rating. Not actually doing anything else with the money.
That was a while back. I daresay that ain't so easy nowadays when you can be checked up on much faster.
When my ex split with her long term bloke (20 years) as she hadn't been paying into a mortgage nor nuffin, (instead she had been paying the bills and stuff, he paid the mrtgage and made sure she didn't, he wasn't stoopid, she was !) she found she had no credit rating so struggled like flip to be able to rent a flat!! Funny how you build a credit rating, by being in debt then paying it off. Seems to oppose logic but then it does prove you can pay stuff back. I have heard of peeps taking out loans to pay other off then carrying on doing it just to build up credit rating. Not actually doing anything else with the money.
That was a while back. I daresay that ain't so easy nowadays when you can be checked up on much faster.

Ive never been one to have credit but it seams to be the way now, my mate who get 50/60k wages says hes skint every month
I dont know how as he got a big pension payout & he doesnt splash the cash. Hes got an old vw polo project & spends buttons
on it every other month. I do wonder how much debt he has. :oops:
Ive never been one to have credit but it seams to be the way now, my mate who get 50/60k wages says hes skint every month
I dont know how as he got a big pension payout & he doesnt splash the cash. Hes got an old vw polo project & spends buttons
on it every other month. I do wonder how much debt he has. :oops:
Well if you've got a Polo you don't need a mint of money!
When my ex split with her long term bloke (20 years) as she hadn't been paying into a mortgage nor nuffin, (instead she had been paying the bills and stuff, he paid the mrtgage and made sure she didn't, he wasn't stoopid, she was !) she found she had no credit rating so struggled like flip to be able to rent a flat!! Funny how you build a credit rating, by being in debt then paying it off. Seems to oppose logic but then it does prove you can pay stuff back. I have heard of peeps taking out loans to pay other off then carrying on doing it just to build up credit rating. Not actually doing anything else with the money.
That was a while back. I daresay that ain't so easy nowadays when you can be checked up on much faster.
They is measuring yer ability to manage the debt you have. Keeping up regular payments. Yer record also shows the total debt yer have. Eye was told by a car sales man to gerra credit card years ago and pay oft monthly as our house had no credit history. Was cheaper than a 200 sov loan paid back over 3 months, to get history.
Ive never been one to have credit but it seams to be the way now, my mate who get 50/60k wages says hes skint every month
I dont know how as he got a big pension payout & he doesnt splash the cash. Hes got an old vw polo project & spends buttons
on it every other month. I do wonder how much debt he has. :oops:
If yer buy somefink wiv a credit card yer can get yer money back using section 75 of the consumer credit act for fings like breach if contract. Value has to be 101 to 30k sovs and paid direct, not via oaypal etc. If say buying a car new for 15k sovs you can protect the whole car by paying 500 sovs on credit card.
Acting together with others for an illegal or dishonest purpose :oops: Where do I sign. 🤣🤣
Just sign here ----


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