Well, the house viewing was interesting. Big plus for me was a garage large enough to get me Tratter int, but that was about it. The house was narrow but deep with smally windows so was a bit gloomy (cozy, said she).
You have to walk through the second bedroom to get to the bathroom anorl. Not good enough sadly.
On a plus, my suggestion of building a larger garage here has received muted approval.
Have a lovely Sunday peeps

We were looking to buy the house next to us but having a good think over it I dont want to pay another mortgage
for the next 15 years, ours is paid off but were thinking of renting it out as a holiday let & dont want to put all the
savings into the other property plus it would be a healthy deposit to put down. So thinking just to stay put & re-do
our wee cottage. :)
Had a wasted morning with 20th century tech. Got a boxful of VHS video tapes, originally transferred from a vid camera (vid 8 tapes) and want to put them on dvd's. The VHS video recorder with built in DVD player is the tool for this job, but the tape part is faulty and the tapes jam and get damaged. So tried going straight from the camera tape player onto the vid recorder / DVD - but the camera is faulty too and doesn't want to play. Camera is now in the recycle box ready for the next bin wagon, prolly put the vid recorder in there too. :(

I think the draughtsman's pencil slipped on the final production version ------
freelander copy.jpeg
Ugh. Mine burst and had to be removed. It was the most pain I've ever experienced in my life. There is NO need for a pain level any higher.

It was definitely an 11 on the scale of 1 to 10.

He's just been discharged back home, the wife will drive while he carefully works out how long it is till his next painkiller dose ...

Poor baby ... he'll be fine, his wife is a veterinarian ...
Ugh. Mine burst and had to be removed. It was the most pain I've ever experienced in my life. There is NO need for a pain level any higher.

It was definitely an 11 on the scale of 1 to 10.

I recommend you don't have any gall bladder troubles then, that's worse ... and I had my appendix out the day before my sixteenth birthday ...
He's just been discharged back home, the wife will drive while he carefully works out how long it is till his next painkiller dose ...

Poor baby ... he'll be fine, his wife is a veterinarian ...
Good for him. I got pneumonia in the hospital and ended up with a 7 day stay.

I'm certainty damaged goods. If I was a product at the store I'd be found in the clearance section.
....that I have been rudely awakened, nay scared out of my life by one of the new cats.
It unexpectedly jumped up onto my desk knocking over a 3" slug of 20mm steel bar. This caused the cat to "flee" in full GTFO manner which entailed it knocking a full 10 Oz Mug of fresh hot coffee off the corner of the desk onto the floor.
Clean up has been completed but the cat has done a bunk and is in hiding.... somewhere.
Shame because he is normally non-interactive and mostly feral, so him coming to interact was a milestone.
....that I have been rudely awakened, nay scared out of my life by one of the new cats.
It unexpectedly jumped up onto my desk knocking over a 3" slug of 20mm steel bar. This caused the cat to "flee" in full GTFO manner which entailed it knocking a full 10 Oz Mug of fresh hot coffee off the corner of the desk onto the floor.
Clean up has been completed but the cat has done a bunk and is in hiding.... somewhere.
Shame because he is normally non-interactive and mostly feral, so him coming to interact was a milestone.
Yes, ours do that - knock stuff over and then run away at high speed. We had one particularly plump specimen who used to use the litter tray and then climb out by putting all four feet on the edge of the tray, causing it to capsize and empty the litter and other contents onto the floor. She would streak away as the empty litter tray fell back down the right way up, leaving me to get the vacuum out and clean up.
....that I have been rudely awakened, nay scared out of my life by one of the new cats.
It unexpectedly jumped up onto my desk knocking over a 3" slug of 20mm steel bar. This caused the cat to "flee" in full GTFO manner which entailed it knocking a full 10 Oz Mug of fresh hot coffee off the corner of the desk onto the floor.
Clean up has been completed but the cat has done a bunk and is in hiding.... somewhere.
Shame because he is normally non-interactive and mostly feral, so him coming to interact was a milestone.
Mine has taken a small chunk out of my finger because "I stole her yarn" which I had the audacity to already be working with.
Chicken casserole in me slow cookerer. Seen me squirrel visit for his nuts eye put oot earlier so eye put oot a bit of apple anorl. He walked along the apex of me garage. Started waving his tail. Went to the top if me gate and watched me through the kitchen window. Still flicking his tail as if there be danger.

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