All the distilleries have suddenly had a wobble though. They’ve all been spending $$$ upgrading all the buildings to up production, riding the wave of success, but suddenly the wheels are threatening to fall off as demand has dropped off. Whether it’s a temporary blip or a longer trend, who knows but staff are already being cut
well when we were last up round your way, I commented on the extortionate prices in a whisky shop, in the nicest possible way, and was told that they, i.e. the distillers, put em up as they could still flog em. Also a country's govt can make a difference. It used to eb a lot cheapr in Frogland until flippingMacron suddenly wacked the tax on spirits up.

Maybe they'll sniff the breeze and drop their prices. After all, we all know that the stuff in the bottles costs pence to make!
We had a barrister for the jury inquest but ....
Plug was pulled on our legal aid 2 days before inquest
Left to fight police and social barristers in court
Show both police and social to have lied, tied a female copper up in knots
Was in the process of showing social had perverted the course of justice when Coroner stopped proceedings for the barristers to come up with excuses
Left with narrative verdict but gave up the fight
Made sure coppers were reprimanded which was best I could do.
You must have been so angry. I know I would have been. You really weren't well served.
Shame the plod didn't do the social for perverting the course of justice. That would have been nothing to do with a coroners court.
Really , really feel for you. The frustration must have been gigantic. 😒
This is very true, but. She knows the mortgage deal ends in July. By placing a flag on it, he can no longer negotiate for the next fixed-term deal and they may not wish to continue and offer him a variable rate deal. In this situation he would be forced to sell.
I am hoping that proving he has paid the mortgage on his own with no financial input from her for the past 18 months will mean he can continue paying the mortgage on whatever deal he can get. Issue is that she is still co-owner and maybe has to sign any new deal, which she won't. So where does that leave him?
According to this she would be hard pressed to force a sale.
No I would love hens, when I move to where I want I will have a flock of hens :)
What will you do with all the eggs? We made the mistake of starting with 7. Three or four will do for most couples.
She has always had a very poor credit history (pre hooking up with my son) and indeed has had CCJ's against her that time elapsed because she just did a bunk and hid. My son went through several years unable to get decent mortgage deals because of her very poor credit rating. I would not be surprised if her credit rating is now down the pan again and this has been flagged to the mortgage broker as he looks for their next "term" deal. Or, she has had her soli place something against the property like a lien or "interest". My son has made every payment on the mortgage and has a good credit rating, but if she goes down it takes him along with her because they are "joint owners" I guess.
She cannot make her own kids intentionally homeless.
Thay do but that's the amazing thing depending on the snow fall no snow thay stay brown lots of snow thay turn white how do thay know a month in advance or do thay movie Up and down the mountain just to confuse me
Cos hanimals etc have been on the surface of the earth eons longer than yumans ave. We are thick and have lost a lot of our instincts But we think we are clever so we invent stuff that wastes the planet. :rolleyes:
According to this she would be hard pressed to force a sale.

What will you do with all the eggs? We made the mistake of starting with 7. Three or four will do for most couples.
I'd have 2 each for breakfast, they help settle my tummy, use them in cooking etc.
She has always had a very poor credit history (pre hooking up with my son) and indeed has had CCJ's against her that time elapsed because she just did a bunk and hid. My son went through several years unable to get decent mortgage deals because of her very poor credit rating. I would not be surprised if her credit rating is now down the pan again and this has been flagged to the mortgage broker as he looks for their next "term" deal. Or, she has had her soli place something against the property like a lien or "interest". My son has made every payment on the mortgage and has a good credit rating, but if she goes down it takes him along with her because they are "joint owners" I guess.
If its joint mortgage and joint ownership of the house then she won't need to put an interest marker on it. But they may wish to to annoy. Yer son could go to the likes of exoerian to get a copy if his credit report. Also hers by cheating wiv her info if she ain't already setup an account wiv them. It will show her outstanding vakances in her name. You can have a note applied to markers to explain bad history.

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