From my experience with social workers in 2001 and again in 2007

In 2001 they took my sons children away from him and us on the say so of a vindictive woman who cared little for her children and was using them to punish her husband (my son) and us as grand parents, childrens court eventually returned the kids and ruled that mother should have no contact except birthdays and xmas.

In 2007 the mother came back and had the children taken away again, when we tried to tell social that this had happened before and mum wasn't suppose d to contact the kids social services said their records didn't go back to 2001. I gave them a transcript of my diaries from the time with court references etc but they dismissed them and wouldn't believe us, we couldn't get this across to the judge either because you can't say anything in childrens court unless asked and judge believed everything social said even though we could prove them wrong.
Judge realised when she asked mum what shall I do with the children? mum said lock one up and put the other in a home !! Judge then saw the light but it was too late, kids were damaged and my son had taken his own life.

Social didn't even apologise
Really sorry this happened to you. :(:(:(
They lied to you, and therefore probably in court.:mad::mad::mad:
Even if they got down to the minimum of 6 years, as it is in one particullar case, then they still should have had them. But the table shows that they should have held on to them for ages longer than that.
The records from the first court case must have been held.
Too many egos involved.
Bad apples that you simply got caught out with.
Symapthies and condolences to you and you family.

Did your son/you not have a solicitor?
Yes. It reduces our protection against not being able to feed ourselfs. We would still need to import food if we din't do this as we dun't produce enuff for our own market. We sell some to other countries anorl.
Well all I know is if I don't grow it or swap it I don't eat it .if I don't cut fire wood I will be cold in winter food type is seasonal need to get back self awareness and self self-survival to Mutch woke 🌳
The two wars proved how much the UK is reliant on food from abroad. At the time it made sense as we were the manufacturers so we sold our goods all over the place and paid for the food, often from commonwealth countries and it came in far cheaper even with transport costs. It wasn't easy to grow the sort of grain needed to make things like bread flour. Hence "Dig for Victory" etc.
We still import stupid amounts of stuff like green beans from Kenya.
Red tractor only works if peeps can afford to pay their prices.
Eye fink our farmers are a bit miffed by red tractor as yer have to do certain fings to meet the standard. It costs them to do this. But imports dun't require the same standard.

Its interesting to see this week they're talking about some Dover inspections being carried oot ootside the port due to space. This breaking the bio hazard ring around imports before they leave dock. When we was part of the Eu, sending us non compliant stuff was against the rules. It still is but doing so to a country which is part of the EU is a risk to being to not being allowd to import to the whole of the EU. Now we is on oyr own the risk is less and reward higher. :(
Yes. It reduces our protection against not being able to feed ourselfs. We would still need to import food if we din't do this as we dun't produce enuff for our own market. We sell some to other countries anorl.
Social services too often use guidelines instead of using their heads
Social workers are usually young and have little experience of real life
They don't learn from anything they just introduce more rules and guidelines
They basically do the job reading from a list of instructions instead of using common sense
Dead right just a numbers game and tick the boxes
Well all I know is if I don't grow it or swap it I don't eat it .if I don't cut fire wood I will be cold in winter food type is seasonal need to get back self awareness and self self-survival to Mutch woke 🌳
Eye live in a country where seasonal food is all year round. We import it from different countries to bypass the wevva. Its amazing to fink we do this when such a large part of the world still struggle.
A lot of peeps dun't realise we reply on imported food. We dun't farm enuff for ourselfs. Lot of farms packing up. Financial risk in farming is too much sometimes. Bad harvest can mean yer make a loss that year. Moving to half yer farm set aside for rest or other projects makes income guranteed. Whilst farmers will be against it, it makes fibancial sense to di this. Eye still dun't get why we have newzeeland lamb legs int sainsberrys when we sell some of our own abroard. Food miles.
That's the problem only growing miles of one crop when I was a kid farms where farms thay had some cattle. That grew a variety of crops and grain thay had fire timber from woods .wild game all generate a income last but not least thay had chickens. We all know the saying Don't put all your eggs in one basket
From my experience with social workers in 2001 and again in 2007

In 2001 they took my sons children away from him and us on the say so of a vindictive woman who cared little for her children and was using them to punish her husband (my son) and us as grand parents, childrens court eventually returned the kids and ruled that mother should have no contact except birthdays and xmas.

In 2007 the mother came back and had the children taken away again, when we tried to tell social that this had happened before and mum wasn't suppose d to contact the kids social services said their records didn't go back to 2001. I gave them a transcript of my diaries from the time with court references etc but they dismissed them and wouldn't believe us, we couldn't get this across to the judge either because you can't say anything in childrens court unless asked and judge believed everything social said even though we could prove them wrong.
Judge realised when she asked mum what shall I do with the children? mum said lock one up and put the other in a home !! Judge then saw the light but it was too late, kids were damaged and my son had taken his own life.

Social didn't even apologise
So sorry 😢 BUT you are 100 % right it boils down to the judge if he has a hangover or not
Eye fink our farmers are a bit miffed by red tractor as yer have to do certain fings to meet the standard. It costs them to do this. But imports dun't require the same standard.

Its interesting to see this week they're talking about some Dover inspections being carried oot ootside the port due to space. This breaking the bio hazard ring around imports before they leave dock. When we was part of the Eu, sending us non compliant stuff was against the rules. It still is but doing so to a country which is part of the EU is a risk to being to not being allowd to import to the whole of the EU. Now we is on oyr own the risk is less and reward higher. :(
According to a BBC article, they could be ASKED not forced to go to an inspection place 22 miles away from Dover!

I think that the point of the red tractor thing is to make peeps buy British so if it costs a bit to get the label then I think we are supposed to assume that it'll promote the product, thereby incresaing sales for said farmers.
Which it does but only to "woke" folk like us! (i.e. me and W!)
We grow our own cos it is cheaper and better. But in 6 months you cannot grow all you need except for a short time. If we lived there all year round we'd be able to grow enough for all year.:)
But we get the eggs from as soon as we get the hens!:)
Do you have hens?;)
Duel birds morons big dark brown eggs big fat cockrals am thinking of breeding some pheasants to let lose if I can get some eggs for the incubator
Duel birds morons big dark brown eggs big fat cockrals am thinking of breeding some pheasants to let lose if I can get some eggs for the incubator
I was replying to @WhiskyLassie ;)
But no matter, interesting to know.:)
We always get "rousse" which are basically just reddish brown birds good layers. "poule rousse fermiere" to give them their full title, which I only just found out after Goggling them in French a moment ago. apparently the most popular for eggs.
I did point out that in my post.
Don't know the figures now, but I bet Scotch is STILL the biggest import cos they make so much and the prices have SHOT up.
It cannot be made anywhere else and called Scotch!
All the distilleries have suddenly had a wobble though. They’ve all been spending $$$ upgrading all the buildings to up production, riding the wave of success, but suddenly the wheels are threatening to fall off as demand has dropped off. Whether it’s a temporary blip or a longer trend, who knows but staff are already being cut
Did your son/you not have a solicitor?
We had a barrister for the jury inquest but ....
Plug was pulled on our legal aid 2 days before inquest
Left to fight police and social barristers in court
Show both police and social to have lied, tied a female copper up in knots
Was in the process of showing social had perverted the course of justice when Coroner stopped proceedings for the barristers to come up with excuses
Left with narrative verdict but gave up the fight
Made sure coppers were reprimanded which was best I could do.
All the distilleries have suddenly had a wobble though. They’ve all been spending $$$ upgrading all the buildings to up production, riding the wave of success, but suddenly the wheels are threatening to fall off as demand has dropped off. Whether it’s a temporary blip or a longer trend, who knows but staff are already being cut
Not good news we get a lot of Patterson's here and Canadian whisky but I don't drink Mutch of it so not clued up on it Bett its down to the border controls and not beeing able to make small individual shipments
We had a barrister for the jury inquest but ....
Plug was pulled on our legal aid 2 days before inquest
Left to fight police and social barristers in court
Show both police and social to have lied, tied a female copper up in knots
Was in the process of showing social had perverted the course of justice when Coroner stopped proceedings for the barristers to come up with excuses
Left with narrative verdict but gave up the fight
Made sure coppers were reprimanded which was best I could do.
👍👍👍👍that all sounds about right no one being able to make a decision just in case it comes back and bites them on the a--s
I thought the forced sale couldn't go ahead until the youngest child who lives there is over eighteen ?

Check with the solicitor
This is very true, but. She knows the mortgage deal ends in July. By placing a flag on it, he can no longer negotiate for the next fixed-term deal and they may not wish to continue and offer him a variable rate deal. In this situation he would be forced to sell.
I am hoping that proving he has paid the mortgage on his own with no financial input from her for the past 18 months will mean he can continue paying the mortgage on whatever deal he can get. Issue is that she is still co-owner and maybe has to sign any new deal, which she won't. So where does that leave him?

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