Morning All. :D
Lovely night's kip really. Probably got at least 7 hours in. :)
Herself is out getting the paper and getting her Ma's meats from the butcher. :)
I am enjoying a cup of coffee and catching up on my LZ stuff.
Got kids staying over tonight and tomorrow night. :(
#2 sons wife has done him over by placing a red-flag on the mortgage which means he can't just renew at variable rate or get a new fixed term deal in July. Now he has gone self-employed he is going to struggle to prove earnings etc.
All done to force the sale of the house and get her share of equity. She doesn't care that it makes her kids (and him homeless) from the place they have lived in for so long. :mad:
Some people need culling. IMHO. :(

Have good day. :D
Just heard a story about a long term lodger in a house belonging to an alcoholic woman with two kids.
He got on with the kids very well, they started calling him "Dad" as they never knew their dad.
She started being abusive to the kids.
The lodger moved out but stayed in touch with the kids, the little girl phones him every day.
In January the mother killed herself, the kids got taken on by the grandmother who can't cope and doesn't really want them. The elder of the two, a boy, lives with a friend, the little girl is stuck with the grandmother but both the children come to him at weekends.
He wants to foster them, the grandmother is fighting this although she is too old and infirm to be able to look after them. The lad is only 11 so not allowed to choose where he goes.
Social services are on his side and fighting to help him get full time fostering rights.

So if they are doing this for a person who isn't even a blood relation, but for the kids sake, then your son should have even more help from them.

Remember that story I told about the bloke in exactly the same situation as your son? Well he fought and won, he keeps the house and the kids despite the judge being a woman.
His ex wanted the equity, maintenance, and half his pension. She has a degree but has never worked. The court awarded her a portion of the house, nowhere near half and that only once the kids have finished their full time education, no maintenance at all, and only a portion of his pension equal to as many years as she looked after the kids i.e. 8 cos she could have worked the rest and simply chose not to.

So social services should back him and he should get an order preventing the house from being sold while the kids are under 18. With this, he has the order to keep the roof over their heads and her red flag will get removed via the family court.
Just heard a story about a long term lodger in a house belonging to an alcoholic woman with two kids.
He got on with the kids very well, they started calling him "Dad" as they never knew their dad.
She started being abusive to the kids.
The lodger moved out but stayed in touch with the kids, the little girl phones him every day.
In January the mother killed herself, the kids got taken on by the grandmother who can't cope and doesn't really want them. The elder of the two, a boy, lives with a friend, the little girl is stuck with the grandmother but both the children come to him at weekends.
He wants to foster them, the grandmother is fighting this although she is too old and infirm to be able to look after them. The lad is only 11 so not allowed to choose where he goes.
Social services are on his side and fighting to help him get full time fostering rights.

So if they are doing this for a person who isn't even a blood relation, but for the kids sake, then your son should have even more help from them.

Remember that story I told about the bloke in exactly the same situation as your son? Well he fought and won, he keeps the house and the kids despite the judge being a woman.
His ex wanted the equity, maintenance, and half his pension. She has a degree but has never worked. The court awarded her a portion of the house, nowhere near half and that only once the kids have finished their full time education, no maintenance at all, and only a portion of his pension equal to as many years as she looked after the kids i.e. 8 cos she could have worked the rest and simply chose not to.

So social services should back him and he should get an order preventing the house from being sold while the kids are under 18. With this, he has the order to keep the roof over their heads and her red flag will get removed via the family court.
Social services too often use guidelines instead of using their heads
Social workers are usually young and have little experience of real life
They don't learn from anything they just introduce more rules and guidelines
They basically do the job reading from a list of instructions instead of using common sense
Yes. It reduces our protection against not being able to feed ourselfs. We would still need to import food if we din't do this as we dun't produce enuff for our own market. We sell some to other countries anorl.
Out of interest I googled this.

It is true, or was back in 2016, couldn't find more recent stats.
By a country mile the biggest export is whisky!
Social services too often use guidelines instead of using their heads
Social workers are usually young and have little experience of real life
They don't learn from anything they just introduce more rules and guidelines
They basically do the job reading from a list of instructions instead of using common sense
Well these two examples are from real life. both involve good friends of W's.
What makes you say this?
And I know a few social workers and they are decent people and no, they are not all young.
One was a neighbour another was a colleagues wife.
And there are others on here whose partners have been in the game.
Out of interest I googled this.

It is true, or was back in 2016, couldn't find more recent stats.
By a country mile the biggest export is whisky!
A lot of peeps dun't realise we rely on imported food. We dun't farm enuff for ourselfs. Lot of farms packing up. Financial risk in farming is too much sometimes. Bad harvest can mean yer make a loss that year. Moving to half yer farm set aside for rest or other projects makes income guranteed. Whilst farmers will be against it, it makes fibancial sense to di this. Eye still dun't get why we have newzeeland lamb legs int sainsberrys when we sell some of our own abroard. Food miles.
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Well these two examples are from real life. both involve good friends of W's.
What makes you say this?
And I know a few social workers and they are decent people and no, they are not all young.
One was a neighbour another was a colleagues wife.
And there are others on here whose partners have been in the game.
From my experience with social workers in 2001 and again in 2007

In 2001 they took my sons children away from him and us on the say so of a vindictive woman who cared little for her children and was using them to punish her husband (my son) and us as grand parents, childrens court eventually returned the kids and ruled that mother should have no contact except birthdays and xmas.

In 2007 the mother came back and had the children taken away again, when we tried to tell social that this had happened before and mum wasn't suppose d to contact the kids social services said their records didn't go back to 2001. I gave them a transcript of my diaries from the time with court references etc but they dismissed them and wouldn't believe us, we couldn't get this across to the judge either because you can't say anything in childrens court unless asked and judge believed everything social said even though we could prove them wrong.
Judge realised when she asked mum what shall I do with the children? mum said lock one up and put the other in a home !! Judge then saw the light but it was too late, kids were damaged and my son had taken his own life.

Social didn't even apologise
Morning All. :D
Lovely night's kip really. Probably got at least 7 hours in. :)
Herself is out getting the paper and getting her Ma's meats from the butcher. :)
I am enjoying a cup of coffee and catching up on my LZ stuff.
Got kids staying over tonight and tomorrow night. :(
#2 sons wife has done him over by placing a red-flag on the mortgage which means he can't just renew at variable rate or get a new fixed term deal in July. Now he has gone self-employed he is going to struggle to prove earnings etc.
All done to force the sale of the house and get her share of equity. She doesn't care that it makes her kids (and him homeless) from the place they have lived in for so long. :mad:
Some people need culling. IMHO. :(

Have good day. :D

I thought the forced sale couldn't go ahead until the youngest child who lives there is over eighteen ?

Check with the solicitor
A lot of peeps dun't realise we reply on imported food. We dun't farm enuff for ourselfs. Lot of farms packing up. Financial risk in farming is too much sometimes. Bad harvest can mean yer make a loss that year. Moving to half yer farm set aside for rest or other projects makes income guranteed. Whilst farmers will be against it, it makes fibancial sense to di this. Eye still dun't get why we have newzeeland lamb legs int sainsberrys when we sell some of our own abroard. Food miles.
The two wars proved how much the UK is reliant on food from abroad. At the time it made sense as we were the manufacturers so we sold our goods all over the place and paid for the food, often from commonwealth countries and it came in far cheaper even with transport costs. It wasn't easy to grow the sort of grain needed to make things like bread flour. Hence "Dig for Victory" etc.
We still import stupid amounts of stuff like green beans from Kenya.
Red tractor only works if peeps can afford to pay their prices.

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