Am delitid ro report I got both ickle disky fings out me fool tank.
I gots some clear pu toob, corrected its natrul curve wif a wire up the middle and pushed it into the tank. When end of pipe was contacting disc I just sucked on tother end affixing bastid disc to the pipe and simply withdrew while maintaining suction. Hey presto!
Note to self: Gets a longer toob, diesel tastes orible :D
I know has a bobbin, lotsa sparras, greedy bastid starlins, the odd ring neck dove, blue tits an mos recently a cock blackbird. I can now walk to the garage an they tend to ignore me.
Not seen a magpie for ages (after I plinked em, airsoft nothing Chris Packham need hear about.)
Is a great pleasure caring for them an their babies :)

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